Articles about Bodymind Integration and Integrative Psychotherapy
The place of suffering in psychotherapy
This text is a representation of a presentation that Dirk Marivoet gave for the Fédération Française de Psychothérapeutes en Psychanalystes (FF2P) in 2009 (in French). Instinct cannot be liberated without liberating the mind, just as the mind separated from instinct...
Bodymind Integration : Approaching the person as a whole.
“Therapy on the body without integrated work with emotions and thoughts is just as one-sided as psychotherapy that ignores bodily processes. Furthermore, working with a person should offer them a perspective and integration with 'the whole'. Dirk Marivoet...
The Philosophical Backgrounds of Bodymind Integration
The Influence of various philosophical forces on Bodymind Integration by Dirk Marivoet © 2016 THE PREMISES OF BODYMIND (PSYCHOCORPORAL) INTEGRATION Central to "Bodymind Integration" (also known as "PsychoCorporal Integration") as taught at the IBI (Int'l...
Interviews with Dirk Marivoet on Somatic Perspectives in Psychotherapy
Clicking on the links you are lead to Interviews with Dirk Marivoet on aspects of Bodymind Integration and Body Psychotherapy. In the first interview Dirk speaks about Postural Integration, a primary method of deep holistic bodywork and integrative therapy. It was...
Rhythmic Fitness
The obsession of taking care of your body Many people today are obsessed with taking care of their bodies—and it’s for a good reason, because our lives depend on it! But even though our physical health is important we should remind ourselves that our emotional,...
Body Reading: The hi-stories that bodies tell
Reading the body - Structure as frozen function Body Reading in body psychotherapy is based on the concept that structure is frozen function. What this means is that a person's physical structure is a reflection of his psycho-biological history and his current...
The Natural Energetic Cycle according to Jack W. Painter, PhD.
My late friend and colleague Jack Painter, PhD., with whom I collaborated for 25 years, championed three very powerful methods of bodymind integration: Postural Integration, Energetic Integration and Pelvic-Heart Integration. As part of these methods he has created...
Character analysis for aid workers
“It is clear that a prophylaxis of neuroses is out of the question unless it is prepared theoretically; in short, that the study of the dynamic and economic conditions of human structures is its most important prerequisite. “-Wilhelm Reich Every counselor /...
Wilhelm Reich: The person, his work and his significance for contemporary psychotherapy. A short introduction
By Dirk Marivoet, MSc, PT, PMT, ECP, CCEP Wilhelm Reich, born in 1897 in Dobrzanica, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, now in Ukraine, started his medical studies at the Vienna University in 1918, and joined the Sexological Seminary founded by Otto Fenichel in...
The Wilhelm Reich Archive at IBI
The Wilhelm Reich library of the Int'l Institute for Bodymind Integration (IBI) More recommended literature “Love, work and knowledge are the well-springs of our life. They should also govern it.”Wilhelm Reich During the first half of the 20th Century, Austrian...
Bodywork Then and Now
Bodywork is a collective term for various techniques, both ancient and modern, that utilize movement lessons, postural re-education, exercises, massage, and other forms of therapeutic manipulation. The primary aim is to promote bodily relaxation and to support health...
Firewalking: An Inner Journey for Planetary Healing.
“Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.”Henry Ford Mankind’s fascination with fire The history of humanity and the discovery of the technology of fire are intimately connected. Recent evidence suggests our ancestors Australopithecus...