Trainings and Workshops
Personal and professional courses to discover and go deeper into Bodymind Integration
Welcome to IBI!
We offer a wide range of training programs tailored both for individuals without formal (psycho)therapy training and for experienced therapists seeking to deepen their skills in bodywork, experiential, and conflict-oriented approaches.
Our programs explore in depth the body-mind-emotion-spirit connection, teaching how to approach individuals holistically, simultaneously addressing all levels rather than separating them into layers.
Our approach is a unique synthesis, the result of 40 years of clinical experience from Dirk Marivoet, rooted in a 150-year tradition of psychotherapy.
In agreement with psychoanalyst Daniel Stern, we consider the self as the primary agent of experience rather than the “other.” Consequently, our approach is based on a bodily, non-verbal, unconscious, and emotional reality where affect regulation is a learned process. This learning occurs within what is called the “Core” (Wilhelm Reich, John Pierrakos), the “implicit self” (Allan Schore), the “proto-self” (Antonio Damasio), and the “endo-self” (Will Davis).
Our training modules offer a structured model for accessing deeper levels of consciousness and energy. Drawing on the concept of the “pilot” (Al Pesso), we facilitate and explore elements such as pulsation, motility, reflexes, random and involuntary movements, “instrokes” and “outstrokes,” breathing, as well as directed and simultaneous verbal strokes (Eric Berne), affirmations, and feedback. Special attention is given to release through touch and the integration of the connective tissue network, which we consider the future of body-oriented psychotherapy.
Our short programs, focused on bodywork, body-mind integration, and body psychotherapy, are ideal for learning and acquiring practical skills in these methods. In contrast, our in-depth training programs allow for deeper inner work, the acquisition of solid theoretical knowledge, and the development of profound practical experience.
In person events
Online events
What the participants say
“The common thread through the week was a sense of allowing ourselves increasingly to be our fullest self, and to let the body (our own body) show us where current or past experiences are holding us back. It was deeply moving to see others (and myself too) tackle particularly painful holding patterns, and to see the joy, the lightness of being, the fresh energy that came available upon re-emerging from the intensive work.”
Marcel van Rootselaar (New York)
“The Core Strokes Module 1 workshop left me with great admiration for this concept. As an Occupational Therapist and Massage Practitioner I experienced how to integrate emotional processing in the work. I am inspired and empowered to work more holistically. The way Dirk teaches is very practical and interactive which I really enjoyed. The self-experiencing sessions where very helpful for my own processing and I experienced amazing personal growth. Thank you for all of that, Dirk!”
Carina Sprinkhart, Occupational Therapist (Germany)
“As a young retiree, I have always suffered from low back pain and have used a number of treatments (apart from surgery) to relieve myself. I find Dirk’s “Core Strokes” approach very beneficial for its holistic and in-depth action. Its action on the fascias during individual sessions gave me an immediate relaxing effect on the muscles in my pelvis, giving me freedom of positioning that I had been deprived of for a long time. A therapy combining more well-known techniques with its original and synthetic contribution that I absolutely recommend.”
Dr. Bertrand Dutoit (Switzerland)
“I came out of this training-workshop really nourished both by the man and by his practical and theoretical sharing on body psychotherapy. Dirk is at the same time full of wisdom, listening, compassion, patience, knowledge and his educational sharing is remarkable. It alternates practical sessions with theoretical sessions, and as a bonus, we dance and we meditate. “
Alexis Gilliot (France)
“In the six years I’ve known Dirk Marivoet, he’s always impressed me with his enthusiasm for bodywork and his commitment to embrace the world and share his knowledge widely. He is a wise and loving teacher with a gentle heart and deep therapeutic knowledge about the body-mind.”
Paula Moreau-Smith, body psychotherapist (England)
“Dirk Marivoet’s expertise lies in a profound knowledge of the body’s and energetic systems – obviously many years of deep work flowing through his hands. I enjoyed his precise explanations of body structures and how to work with them very much. The course “Advanced Somatics Practitioner” inspired my work a lot. I can recommend him as a teacher, as well as a therapist for intense body-mind focused processes.”
Patrick Pelzner, psychologist (Switzerland)
Do you want to organize a workshop with us in your country or city?
You have or know a place in your country or city and would like to organize an event with us there so that your own clients, students and network can benefit from our expertise with sessions, workshops and trainings?
Do not hesitate, follow your impulse to contact us so we can discuss this possibility.