“The unarmored, active and receptive individual has a consistent, soft yet firm tone from the skin inward to the deepest structures.”
Jack Painter, PhD, Founder of Pelvic-Heart Integration®, Postural Integration® & Energetic Integration®

“Grabbing for pleasure takes you outside yourself. Instead, you can stay inside your own skin and know that whatever happens, you’ll still be ok.”
Jack Painter, PhD, Founder of Pelvic-Heart Integration®, Postural Integration® & Energetic Integration®

Whether you are a therapist, a physician, a coach, a spiritual seeker, this certifying training has been designed to allow you to increase your level of experience, skill and understanding of psychosexual experiential bodymind work, for you and your clients/patients. More than just a training, Pelvic-Heart Integration is a path toward inner and outer unity.

This 3 year program was developed by Dirk Marivoet, MSc. and Mag. Elisabeth Renner, both certified and accredited trainers of Pelvic Heart Integration®, as well as of Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration® (and other). The training includes more than 600h of residential experiential group modules, supervision/mentoring sessions, individual sessions, peer group meetings, practical work with your client under supervision, will allow you to become a Certified Pelvic-Heart Integration® coach/practitioner.

Are you ready to explore and unify the three foundational forces of life?

Unifying Eros, Love and sexuality

Pelvic-Heart Integration® (PHI) is an experiential body-mind practice that focuses on the various dimensions of the three foundational forces of life: Eros, Love and Sexuality. 

Eros is seen as the transformative force of life, love as the unifying force and sexuality as the creative force.

When these three forces are not unified, you cannot connect to your individual soul and create sustainable love relationships.

Whether or not you are in an actual relationship, these forces are essential to your aliveness as an individual in relationship with yourself. When these forces mingle harmoniously, relationships thrive, you thrive.

Group practice during Pelvic Heart Integration training

Would you like to learn how to create harmonious relationships and help others to do so as well?

In this Pelvic Heart training you will discover:

  • How our characteristic breathing patterns, thoughts, emotions and body armor block the free flow of our life force and inhibit our capacity for sensual pleasure and orgasmic surrender.
  • How to use breath, movement and conscious touch to feel the unity of love and satisfaction.
  • How the sexual and heart energy of our ancestors and our inner triangle (father, mother, child) becomes a template for future relationships.
  • How experiencing the spiritual presence of our ancestors is powerful and helps us heal old wounds that have been carried through generations.
  • How to find peace, wholeness, core light, orgasmic bliss and love within yourself instead of enlessly seeking satisfaction outside yourself.

Why Pelvic-Heart integration?

Throughout our lives we separate our sexuality from the feelings of our heart over and over again. While we run away from our deep feelings of our broken hearts, we are investing a lot of energy in our sexual recognition. And the way we separate love and sex from each other, is reflected in our body, which makes it transformable.

Pelvic-Heart Integration provides a valuable framework for such healing, both in the sense of unraveling sexual dysfunction and in the sense of restoring trust and harmony between men and women.

It addresses also the central questions of how to be sexually alive and how to connect heart and genitals in a mature way.

This method was developed by Jack Painter, Ph.D.

How does this Method work?

Pelvic-Heart Integration uses comprehensive processes and maps which are culturally familiar and expected in the modern Western world. With the Pelvic-Heart Integration technology for transformation, we arrive at a deeper understanding of the inner and outer splitting problems, and learn how to transcend the dualities of male and female, yin and yang, love and sex, upper and lower chakras, individual and tribe. 

The connection between the heart and pelvis allows us to see our natural rhythm of pleasure and excitement, thus connecting our male and female side in us. The simultaneous work with breathing, touch, movement, feelings and thoughts brings the energy between the heart and pelvis to flow and opens us to love ourselves and others.

Transforming infantile habitual protection and defense patterns

As children we found ourselves trapped between our parents and started confusing our masculine and feminine roles. We wanted to come to our parents with our whole bodies, with all our feelings, giving our hearts and showing our desires, but our parents were unable to support our sexual innocence and curiosity. Protecting ourselves, we started cutting the flow between our genitals and heart in response to the inadequate sexual mirroring by our parents or educators. 

Through breathwork, bodywork, role play and fantasy, you will be able to discover and deeply experience the blocks this created in your body, find there the remains of old patterns of sexual passivity, denial, competition or seduction (games played with the earliest sexual teachers, the parents). 

Relationship-contents are deeply elaborated in Pelvic-Heart Integration. Work with masculine and feminine ancestral lines and the spiritual forces they represent, support all participants in transforming old, passed on wounds through generations, towards growing consciousness, toward more pulsating vibrancy and creativity.

Role play is part of Pelvi-Heart Integration training

What can you expect from this training?

This training has been designed to allow you to understand how blocked energy affects us sexually, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually and how to release them. During a module, we alternate theory and practice. We work alone, in pairs or in small groups.

A safe therapeutic working climate is created in all group or individual sessions. No sexual activities are practiced in this training.

During the training, you will be invited to explore Pelvic-Heart connexion and blockages through:

Who is this Pelvic-Heart Integration training for?

This Pelvic-Heart Integration training is of relevance to a wide range of professionals. This training is also destined to people interested in serious personal/spiritual development. Here are examples of how this training can be relevant for you.

Psychotherapist/Physician/Mental Help Professional

If you work with clients/patients in a 1:1 therapeutic context, you will likely find that at times body oriented interventions will appear beneficial at some stage. Pelvic-Heart Integration aims to provide clients with an arena to:

  • Become deeply embodied through contacting, presencing, energetic, touch (possibly myofascial) and other types of body work.
  • Gain clarity about confused and distorted present day relationships due to unmet needs of the past
  • Help unprocessed (symptom-making) emotions to become clearly and satisfying expressed/processed in the whole body
  • Monitor affectively and cognitively all sorts of body sensations, emotional states, abreactive states, defense mechanisms, values, attitudes, thoughts, memories
  • Attend to unmet needs of the past symbolically with appropriately named role-playing figures while emotionally and cognitively in touch with earlier levels of consciousness

The Pelvic-Heart Integration Training gives you a deep immersion, through your own lived experiences, of the various dimensions that this topic can traverse. The training will leave you with a grounded confidence to hold space for explorations on this theme and to guide clients competently and body oriented in your sessions space.

Coach, teacher or facilitator

Whether you work with children, teenagers or adults, themes around embodiment, the meaning of life, intimacy and sexuality are likely to come up in your practice or your classroom. In a world so devoid of embodied guidance, wisdom and tolerance, it behooves our educators and coaches to be able to hold the space for this necessary exploration.

Business coaches find that the lives of their clients are impacted by problems with intimacy, appropriate distance, boundaries, dissatisfaction, frustration and so on and so forth. Teachers are working with young people who are eager to explore all dimensions of their development.

Self and other regulation and stages of need satisfaction like place, nurturance, support, protection and limits can be appropriately dealt with. Here’s an opportunity to equip yourself in a very fundamental way for the task by learning when and how to appropriately satisfy, validate, respect and confirm needs in appropriate context.

Tantra Pracitioner/Spiritual Searcher

If you have a Tantra practice and desire to move into greater depth in your capacity to hold the rich complexity of what gets touched for people when their resistances, immaturities and defense mechanisms below the social mask layer of the theme of “love, eros and sexuality” comes up, then this training is helpful for you.

Many Western Tantra practitioners come to a stage of realizing that there is much more to the mystical and psychological dimensions of Tantra than what they have access to. The Pelvic-Heart Integration Training offers you months of learning and transmission in this field.


When working directly on the body, or with subtle dimensions of the body, we are also tapping into all the intelligence of the client’s relational, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Simply through your own deeper embodiment, you will be able to transmit ease, openness and understanding to your clients.

Learning therapeutic bodywork, both directly on the body or with more subtle and energetic dimensions in the framework of an understanding of character analysis and the evolutionary process of the individual and mankind, you will help the client to connect more deeply with his/her essence, true nature and direction and purpose in life.

Bodywork often brings up traumatic memories in the client. A practitioner who does not shy away in horror when feelings become intense, but is able to stay present and to ground both the client and himself with awareness of boundaries (not crossing any) is a better practitioner for the client.


As a relationship therapist, you’re bound to meet the challenges in people’s intimate relating including the dimensions of “love, eros and sexuality” – and you will have realized by now that this is a very delicate terrain to be traversed with care and skill.

Imagine the increase in your capacity to hold space for couples and other relationships if you acquire the skill to help people sink deeper in themselves and their truths and become confident in more dimensions of relating yourself.

Pregnancy/fertility coach/doula

Those who work with couples as they traverse the challenges around fertility and pregnancy know that the couple’s dynamics around intimacy and sexuality is a tender and challenging growth point at this time.

Through your own inner work in exploring your own needs and through the knowledge you will gain on this training, you will find a new ease in supporting couples to turn this time into a growth-filled and exciting exploration. You will also know more about releasing and integrating the pelvic area.

Who are the trainers?

Portrait of Dirk Marivoet integrative psychotherapist

Dirk Marivoet, MSc.

is founder and director of the IBI (The International Institute for Bodymind Integration). He is a certified psychotherapist (ECP) and certified psychomotor therapist (University of Louvain). He is also a Certified Trainer and Supervisor for Postural Integration, Energetic Integration, Reichian Bodywork and Pelvic-Heart Integration (Jack Painter, PhD) and a Core Energetics Teacher and Supervisor (John Pierrakos, MD). After more than 35 years of clinical and teaching experience, both in the academic, alternative and complementary fields of psychotherapy, he created the Core Strokes approach, which he shares around the world. He lives in Ghent (Belgium).

Witnessing Dirk working with groups is exceptional because he is able to invite an atmosphere of freedom for participants where everything is possible. He is a master to evoke the ecstatic and wild animal within us and to guide the group to transform blocked energies into spiritual flow. Dirk goes deep to reach high.
Thomas Ach, Body psychotherapist, Musician and music therapist, Munich

Dirk is a man in touch with his feminine side. His teaching on how to bring the masculine and feminine together into deeper connection reflects who he is. He is a wise and loving teacher with a gentle heart and deep therapeutic knowledge about the body-mind.
Paula Moreau-Smith, Body psychotherapist, England

The moment I met him, I noticed his sparkling eyes. In them I saw an adventurous human being, a free spirit. These characteristics are present when he teaches or facilitates groups.  He combines his scientific knowledge with his willingness to offer the best he can in a smooth, gentle way, staying in contact with every student or member of the group.
Anastasia Kladeftira, Associate Director of Institute Core Energetics, Greece

Curriculum of the 3 year Pelvic-Heart Integration® training (600h)

The aim of this 3 year training  is to become a Pelvic-Heart Integration® Practitioner-Coach.

Each year is made of 3 x 5 days residential group work, individual sessions, practical work under supervision, homework (see details of each year bellow).

Sufficient experiences and supervised practical work will help you to transform your life and help you to be able to coach others in their transformation process on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

Part of the training is a basic knowledge of anatomy and body reading. You will receive a full series of individual sessions and learn to give these to others.

You will also find support in your process to find and to maintain your own center, to thereby also accompany others in their healing process.

After graduation you will be part of an International community of practitioners in Bodymind Integration methods. 

Pelvic-Heart Integration - Year 1

196 hours including:

  • 150h of residential group work, divided into three five day blocks in a period of 1  year.
  • 30h of practical work outside the group (peer group meetings)
  • 6h of supervision/mentoring by the trainer or assistants (3 x 2 hours online meetings).
  • 10h of personnal sessions with recognized pelvic-heart integration practitioners with a report on this self-experience (5 x 2 hours minimum).

During this year, time is also needed to complete:

  • reading assignments,
  • Homework,
  • Preparation of exercises for PHI, rhythmic fitness with the energy wave, breathing, gestalt work, triangle work…

Topics covered during this module:

  • PHI Sexual Energy and its Theories: Multifactorial dynamics of human sexuality, Developmental Psychology, Sexuality and Age, Energy theories of Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction, Orgastic Potency, Character & Muscular Armoring, Healthy Sexuality, Sexual Morality, Psychological Aspects,
  • Feminity vs masculinity: the difference between Masculine and Feminine as seen in PHI, the Mystery and Attraction of Masculine and Feminine, Eros, Love, Sexuality from a PHI perspective, same sex sexuality, Male and Female Orgasm,
  • Blockages of the Sexual Energy: Sexual Dysfunctions, Sexual Desire Blockages, Sexual Arousal Dysfunction, Impotence,  Frigidity, Orgasm problems, Energetic Sexual Blockages, Pelvic floor Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation,
  • Anatomy, TCM and Physiology 1: Developmental Biology, Sexual development from Embryo to Child, General Anatomy & Physiology, Neurobiology & Physiology of Heart, Genitals, Myofascial Networks, Anatomy of the Chakras, Energy Meridians and Fine Energy,
  • Bodymind Techniques for Sexual Release and Integration: Gestalt, Pelvic-Heart Bodywork, Introduction to the Natural Energetic Cycle, Introduction to the Blockages in The Energetic Cycle, Reichian Segmental Armoring,; Bodymind Drama, Working with Ideal Support, Real Situation, Titrating, Breath techniques, Therapeutic Touch-Myofascial Techniques (PI), Pelvic-Heart Movement Awareness & Expression Exercises; Imagery and Hypnotic Techniques,
  • Character Structures in Sexuality: Reichian Character Types in the Energetic Cycle, Rigid Character Types, Body Reading of Character Types, Work on the armor of the different character types, Sexual Blockages, Work with the different character structures in the interaction of couples.
  • Triangle Work: Exploration of Family triangles & Triangulation, Ideal Parents vs. Real Parents, Transforming the roles in the triangle, coming to new possible solutions.
  • Therapeutic Relationship:  The Working Alliance in PHI, Necessary and sufficient conditions in PHI, Acting out – Acting in, Erotic Transference-Countertransference
  • Sexual Shadow Work: Beliefs, thoughts, experiences held in our unconscious; Shame, guilt, embarrassment; Exploration of Mask, Lower Self, Higher Self Layers of Consciousness; Sexual Trauma and Acting Out
  • Myth and the Body: Embodied Myth play around relevant mythological archetypes, themes and topics like Oedipus; Electra; Tristan & Isolde; Adam & Eva; Romeo & Julia; Lancelot & Guinevere; …

Pelvic-Heart Integration - Year 2

216 hours including:

  • 150h of residential group work, divided into three five day blocks in a period of 1  year.
  • 30h of practical work outside the group (peer group meetings)
  • 6h of supervision/mentoring by the trainer or assistants (3 x 2 hours online meetings).
  • 10h of personnal sessions with recognized pelvic-heart integration practitioners with a report on this self-experience (5 x 2 hours minimum).
  • Practical work with clients under supervision (i.T.u.S) (In Training under Supervision)
      • 8 hours of work with clients plus a report or reflection of 4 sessions with 2 clients of opposite gender). 
      • Minimum 2 hours of supervision.

During this year, time is also needed to complete:

  • reading assignments,
  • Homework,
  • Preparation of exercises for PHI, rhythmic fitness with the energy wave, breathing, gestalt work, triangle work…

Topics covered during this module:

  • Group process and individual process work -Guided Therapeutic and Facilitating Work by the Trainers of PHI

  • Connection of our Male and Female parts: The Way of Merging; Ecstasy as Process; Inner Alchemy and Inner Marriage

  • Women’s sexual issues and pelvic-heart work

  • Men’s sexual issues and pelvic-heart work

  • Theories of Sexuality and Energy: General Theory of Pelvic-Heart Integration; Therapeutic dilemmas in the sexological clinic; Energy theories of Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction Part 2; Orgastic Potency; Character & Muscular Armoring; Ethics & Holistic Healthcare; Treatment of genital, sexual and non-sexual pain, etc.

  • Anatomy, TCM and Physiology II:  The outer structure of the Pelvis; the Pelvic Floor; the Female Sexual Structure, the Male Sexual Structure; Physiology of the Orgasm; the Orgasm Reflex;

  • Spirituality in Sexuality: Support through our Ancestors; The virtual fulfillment of sexual needs of our Ancestors; Introducing Sexuality in a Session; Spirituality in Transference and Counter-Transference.

  • Body Reading II: Finding Sexual Integration: creating ideal support; allowing guidance from your inner God and Goddess place;  finding new possibilities of sexually grounded movement in the body.

  • Bodymind Techniques for Sexual Integration: Meridians relevant to sexual functioning and emotional activation; Fine Energy work with the ideal support; deep touch of the inner Core : Heart and Pelvis; Psychodrama, role playing, and group facilitation skills; Working with developmental stages throughout the whole life cycle and inter-generational patterns in sexuality and love.

  • Ecstasy: the art of self-love, ecstatic plateau; multiple orgasms; sexual rest.

  • Sexual Resonance with your Partner: Phases in Partnership; from distance to inner harmony; The encounter of partners resonating with each other’s supportive ideal parents.

  • Myth and the Body II.

  • Therapeutic Relationship II: Deciding where to start, the middle and the end; When to make referrals, and what to leave alone; Reichian character types and masculine/feminine, yin/yang – your type and your client’s or partner’s type and how they interact

Pelvic-Heart Integration - Year 3

239 hours including:

  • 150h of residential group work, divided into three five day blocks in a period of 1  year.
  • 30h of practical work outside the group (peer group meetings)
  • 6h of supervision/mentoring by the trainer or assistants (3 x 2 hours online meetings).
  • 10h of personnal sessions with recognized pelvic-heart integration practitioners with a report on this self-experience (5 x 2 hours minimum).
  • Practical work with clients under supervision (i.T.u.S) (In Training under Supervision)
      • Work with 3 clients plus a report and reflection of at least 10 sessions with 3 clients of opposite gender). = Minimum 45 hours
      • Minimum 9 sessions of individual supervision.
      • 2 of the 9 supervisions have to be live supervisions.
      • Writing Final Report: Minimum 15 hours

During this year, time is also needed to complete:

  • reading assignments,
  • Homework,
  • Preparation of exercises for PHI, rhythmic fitness with the energy wave, breathing, gestalt work, triangle work…

Topics covered during this module:

  • Structure and Organization of individual PHI sessions: The opening of the Pelvic-Heart Energetic Streams; Following and guiding the Natural Flow of Breath and Energy; Discerning and addressing blockages and sexual trauma; The step by step opening of body awareness in order to encounter the blockages and help the full expression of the erotic, sexual and love energies.

  • Single Steps in a session:  a) Defining the contract on a cognitive and embodied level b) Phenomenological Exploration and tentative approach to Body Reading; c) Preparation (Making contact; Initial work with energy, breath, touch, meridians and points, etc.) ; d) confronting the defenses, obstacles, blockages, shadows, negativity, etc.; e) going through the conflict; f) Finding acceptance, new alternatives and new awareness; g) Integration;

  • Priorities in PHI sessions : Knowing where you are in the steps; Finding out what are options and possibilities;  finding alternative ways;

  • Working with PHI in a Groups: Theory and practice of work with energetic waves in groups; Mandala Work; role playing for supporting inner and outer triangles, ancestral lines; masculine and feminine dynamics;

  • Working with Couples and Families: Theory and practice of working with Couples and Families; a) Finding the Contract; b) Helping Clarity and Awareness; c) Finding the Conflict; d) Confrontation; e) Solutions; g) Integration; e) Homework

  • Myth and the Body III.

  • Therapeutic Relationship III.

  • Life Supervision with outside clients. 

  • Setting up the PHI practice

  • Certification

Dates and place

No upcoming training for the moment. For further information, please, contact us.


What does it cost?

650€/module (5 days residential)

Price is for Europeans and Northern Americans and subject to change. Prices may differ for other continents. Please, contact us for further information.

The price includes 50h of training and a manual.
It does not include travel expenses, accommodation food, individual session and mentoring session.

How to apply for this training?

To enroll in this training you need send us a short CV including your experience with

  • psychotherapeutic/personal development sessions
  • experiential work, deep bodywork, etc.
  • emotional process work (Individual or Group)
  • body psychotherapy, bodymind integration
  • systemic work

To apply to this training, you are invited to contact us by mail in order to get an entry interview or first appointment with us. This first exchange will allow us to determine if this training meets your needs and expectations. You may be invited to join an introductory workshop first or to apply for the first module directly. Instructions for registration and payment will be given to you afterwards.

Pelvic-Heart Integration workshops

are You interested and would like to know more about Pelvic-Heart Integration before Enrolling?

In order to allow you to have a first experience with Pelvic-Heart Integration and what it could offer to you, you can join one of our 3 or 5 days introductory workshops in Belgium, France, Italy, Corsica, Netherlands, UK, USA, South Africa, Australia or elsewhere.

Ready to apply?

If you feel ready to apply or if you need an answer to questions you may have, please send us your information through the form below. We will come back to you a.s.a.p. to make an appointment by phone or video call.

Read the participation and cancellation policy.

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