The Wilhelm Reich Archive at IBI

 8 June 2020 by Dirk Marivoet

Wilhelm Reich at his desk in Rangeley Maine

The Wilhelm Reich library of the Int’l Institute for Bodymind Integration (IBI)

More recommended literature

“Love, work and knowledge are the well-springs of our life. They should also govern it.”

Wilhelm Reich

During the first half of the 20th Century, Austrian Psychiatrist and biophysicist Wilhelm Reich foresaw many powerful social movements that are shaping the culture of the modern world. My view is that there is a lot of wisdom to be found in almost all of Reich’s writings, including his sometimes ridiculed philosophical texts of the early 1950s. Reich had an enormous theoretical power, and even Freud’s writings, while often stylistically better, seem many times rather tame when compared to Reich’s. Reich’s ideas on Childbirth, childrearing, alternative education, women’s rights, self-fulfillment -and his view of our place in the cosmos- are as revolutionary today, as they were in the first half of the last century. He prophesied the crumbling of monogamy and the splitting up of the nuclear family, he predicted the abolition of laws against abortion, birth control and homosexuality, he demonstrated how body language reveals emotional suppression and pioneered bodywork therapy, he related individual health to emotional make up and proposed the adoption of natural medicine, he experimented with weather control and brought rain to the desert. Below, you find a list of books (written both in Dutch and English, sometimes in German…. Thanks for your flexibility) that we have on file in The Institute for Bodymind Integration”. Many of them are first editions, and rare, since both the Nazi’s and the US Government burnt his books at one time. Reich’s books were in many ways controversial, and also in many ways ahead of their time. His findings were constantly challenging paradigms within each of the disciplines which he mastered. They are still today works of reference for many body psychotherapists and orgonomists. You can find some background about his life here.

Journals and Books written by Wilhelm Reich (+ their translations)

Reich als insider 1920-1926


Reich, Wilhelm: “Zur ‘Aufklaerung’ im Kampf gegen die Geschlechtskrankheiten – Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz von Kurt Finkenrath” Zeitschrift fuer Sexualwissenschaft, 1919, p. 391-393.

stud. med. Wilhelm Reich: Die Spezialisierung des Ärztestandes. Eine Erwiderung. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift Vol. 69, No. 28, 1919, pp. 1400-1402


Reich, Wilhelm, PEER GYNT: Libidokonflikte und Wahngebilde. Postuum gepubliceerd in Frühe Schriften Bd.1, Köln 1977, pp. 19-77 (Vienna Psychoanalytic Association, winter semester 1920, 1. meeting on 13. October 1920: M.U.C. Reich: Der Libidokonflikt in Peer Gynt [inaugural lecture]. Eerst voorgedragen op 3.7. en 10.7. voor het Seminarie voor Sexologie in Wenen. In het engels vertaald in: Early Writings, Vol. 1, New York 1975, pp. 3-64.)

Reich was admitted as a member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society in 1920 after a presentation of a psychoanalytic study by Ibsen’s Peer Gynt. The English version can be found in Early Writings. Full. 1., as Libidinal Conflicts and Delusions in Ibsen’s Peer Gynt. For Reich, Peer Gynt represents the case of paranoid psychosis and megalomania resulting from the withdrawal of libido from the narcissistic stage, facilitated by incestuous fixation to the mother and identification with the father. This constellation prevents any connection to reality. For example, a love affair: instead of anchoring Peer in reality, it only sparks a flight of delusion because the girl represents Peer’s mother, and Peer’s guilt towards his father. The mother’s death, his last connection to real life, lead him to the total loss of reality. Restitution is accomplished through slow disintegration of guilt through self-castration, i.e., the reality ego condemns the delusional satisfaction of the pleasure ego. Peer has recovered when he returns to the girl he left behind since he has reached the age of his dead mother. He can ultimately be himself without any incestuous conflict.

Reich, Wilhelm, Ueber einen Fall von Durchbruch der Inzestschranke in der Pubertät, Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, VII, 1920-1921 pp. 220-226.

This is a short document considered by many to be an anonymous and disguised self-study. It is considered a key text to psychologically understand the person of Wilhelm Reich. Reich analyzes Oedipal conflicts in a student’s childhood in his twenties.


Reich, Wilhelm, Kindliche Tagtraeume einer spaeteren Zwangsneurose, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, VII, 1921, pp. 460-467

Lecture for the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association, summer semester 1921, 11. meeting on 11. May 1921: Notes: b. M.U.C. Reich: Tagträume einer Pregnancy neurotikerin. This volume belonged to the library of Paul Federn, the learning analyst of Wilhelm Reich.


Reich, Wilhelm, Der Koitus und die Geschlechter. Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft. VIII Band Januar 1922 10.Heft, pp. 343-352.

Reich attempts to provide a compelling alternative to the biological and physiological arguments that attempt to explain the differences in time span between male and female climaxes. Reich: “Nicht also eine zweite Ejakulation ist die Forderung der Natur, sondern Koizidenz von zärtlicher und sinnlicher Strebung”.

Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, VIII, 1922.

Reich, Wilhelm, Ueber Spezifitaet der Onanieformen, pp.333-337.

Introduced to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society on October 10, 1922. Reich shows his sensitivity to detail as a taxonomist and naturalist when he delves into the specifics of masturbation. In an effort to treat impotence, Reich asks the following questions about how patients masturbate: 1) Where do they masturbate? 2) When do they masturbate? 3) What materials do they masturbate with? 4) What fantasies do they masturbate with? 5) How often do they masturbate? 6) In what physical position do they masturbate, and is that attitude related to any childhood event? 7) With which piece of furniture do they masturbate, and what are the fantasies that have an effect on the piece of furniture? In this way, Reich creates various categories of normal and deviant forms of masturbation that can help the clinician to draw up a prognosis regarding healthy genitals.

Translated into English in: Early Writings: On the specificity of forms of masturbation.

Reich, Wilhelm, Zwei narzißtische Typen, pp.456-462.

In this article, Reich describes the distinction between what he calls “neurosis” and the “neurotic character”. (This is the backbone of his 1933 Character Analysis). “Im Grunde gibt es keine nor so scharf unschriebene Neurose ohne Spuren von Störungen der Gesamtpersönlichkeit. Das Minderwertigkeitsgefühl, die Begleiterscheinung sämtlicher Neurosen, die narzistissche Narbe “(Marcinowsky), ist der konstante Ausdruck dieser Störung”.

Reich rejects Franz Alexander’s opinion that the neurotic character, with its “diffuse symptoms,” is based on too little libido stasis or missing repression and is therefore closer to health than the neurosis with its clear, “localized symptoms.” For Reich, the difference is the disturbance of ego-libido, i.e., the narcissistic seclusion of the neurotic character versus the disturbance of object-libido as shown in transmission. So, neurosis, which, although disrupted, is open to the world, is shorter in health than the closed neurotic character. In particular, the symptoms of the former are associated with a corresponding understanding of the disorder. The neurotic character is flawed and his “narcissistic armor” is the biggest therapeutic problem. Reich demonstrates this by presenting two neurotic characters. This is Reich’s first step towards a systematic characterology. Translated into English in Early Writings: Two narcissistic types. Castration complex and character.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich: “Grenzen der Erinnerungstätigkeit in der psychoanalytischen Kur” IZP VIII(4), 1922, pp. 538-539 (In the Bulletin of the IPA, summary of a lecture for the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association, November 15, 1922. Described in: The Function of the Orgasm.)

Reich, Wilhelm, Triebbegriffe von Forel bis Jung, Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, IX Band 1922.pp. 17-19, 44-50, 75-85.

Proposed on 14.6. and 22.11.1919 for the Seminar für Sexuologie: “Der” Libido “concept von Trout bis Jung.” Translated into English in: Early Writings: Drive and libido concepts from Trout to Jung.


Reich, Wilhelm, Zur Triebenergetik, Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, X Band. 1923, pp. 99-106

Essay presented to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society on June 8, 1921 (Reich, W. The Function of the Orgasm, 1940, p. 47. Handed over to Freud at the end of 1920). Translated into English in Early Writings: On the energetics of drives. Reich’s first attempt at a biophysical formulation of instinctual processes. This first step will lead to his later functional unification of the quantitative concept of arousal and the qualitative concept of pleasure. Reich recalls that “it was not understood. From then on, I only published clinical material, and kept away from theoretical essays ”.

The moment Freud had more or less given up on finding a somatic basis for the so-called ‘psychoneuroses’, and more and more leaning towards a ‘psychologizing of biology’, Reich appears on the psychoanalytic scene with his enthusiasm for the idea of “sexual energy”. At the end of his nearly forty-year career, in which he follows a step-by-step functional scientific logic, Reich argues that the subject of his work, despite its ramifications, forms a functional and logical whole and that in the comparison of the first attempt at a biophysical formulation of instinctual processes in Zur Trieb-Energetik (1923) with the last orgonomic work in 1952, one will easily recognize the common thread running through all the clinical, experimental, and theoretical works, namely: The theme of the bioenergetic function of excitement and motility of living substance.

Reich, Wilhelm, Die Rolle der Genitalitaet in der Neurosentherapie, Zeitschrift für Aerztliche Psychotherapie, IX, 1923.


Reich, Wilhelm, Der Tic als Onanieequivalent, Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, 1924.

Case study on one A.F., proposed for the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society in January 1923, in which Reich applies some kind of dream analysis. With this study he sheds light on how sexual repression can express itself as somatic tics and that such tics can (almost) always be traced back to the eternal battle between a partial drive and a malicious superego. “The patient was an elderly woman with a diaphragmatic tic who disappeared when it became possible for her to masturbate. My performance was praised and confirmed ”. (Reich, 1940, p. 86).

Reich, Wilhelm, Über Genitalität vom Standpunkt der psa. Prognose und Libidotheorie. Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, X, Vienna, 1924. pp. 164-179 + Die therapeutische Bedeutung der genitalen Libido. pp. 217-218.

On November 28, 1923 (received by the Zeitschrift on October 17, 1923), after three years of research, Reich reads his first important article for the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. In “Ueber Genitalität” Reich quotes seven case studies. Genital libido is seen as not limited to the phallus, clitoris or vagina, but as something global. Reich is gradually moving from symptom to character analysis. By character analysis, the person is transformed into an essentially new person, thereby freeing the natural energies of genital libido to transform the partial drives from below into one major transfiguration. Reich on this lecture: “I became aware of a growing chill in the atmosphere of the meeting …” Translated into English in: Early Writings: On genitality from the standpoint of psychoanalytic prognosis and therapy.


Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. XI Band. 1925.

Wilhelm Reich: Eine hysterische Psychose in statu nascendi. pp. 211-222. In October 1923, Reich gave a lecture to the association about introspection in a schizophrenic patient who had particularly clear insights into the mechanisms of her chase ideas. “She confirmed Tausk’s findings regarding the influence of the genital apparatus.” (Reich, 1940, p. 86). (Translated into Dutch in: Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 1990, nr. 15, pp. 73-86. See further: Mislukte Analyse van Schizofrene Opstoot. Enkele kanttekeningen bij een artikel van W. Reich, door Katrien Libbrecht, ibid; pp.87-96.)

Wilhelm Reich: Weitere Bemerkungen über die therapeutische Bedeutung der Genitallibido. pp.297-317.

Reich, now 28 years old, first uses the concept of “orgasmic potency” and is now quite openly rebelling against Freud. See also: Reich, W., The Function of the Orgasm. Some of these are printed in the Journal of Orgonomy Vol. 14 no.1. For a contemporary model of the energetic cycle, of which Reich is the founder, see: Jack Painter, Ph.D., Stages in Natural Energy Flow en Blockages of the Natural Flow of Energy. 

REICH, Wilhelm Der triebhafte Charakter. [Eine psychoanalytische Studie zur Pathologie des Ich] Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1925. “Neue Arbeiten zur ärtzlichen Psychoanalyse Nr. IV.” Leipzig/Vienna/Zurich

Octavo, 132pp. Erste Ausgabe.

First edition of this important study of the neurotic character. An early contribution to ego psychology that defines the impulsive character as a transitional stage between the psychoneuroses and the psychoses – what are now called borderline patients. So, although he doesn’t use the term, Reich’s monograph is an important contribution to the development of the “borderline” concept. He shows in this manuscript that symptom analysis should be extended to character analysis. From the perspective of the new ego psychology, the relationship between the ego and the developing superego is the basis of characterology. Character formation takes place by annexing the parents either as an affirmative or as a negative ego ideal and is also determined by the libidinal stage in which this occurs as well as by what both the environment and the primitive pleasure ego say against the realization of the requirements of the ego ideal . It is perfect if gratification and denial of the drive are balanced. Dominant denial leads to an inhibited character. On the other hand, the impulsive nature was allowed excessive gratification, but then, out of the blue, traumatic denial by the same parents led to a sharp conflict between a very infantile ego and a crude “suppressed” superego. The impulsive character is thus torn between strong uncontrollable urges and a cheeky superego, which breaks from time to time with the power of and suppressed urge.

The isolated superego also involves a schizophrenic disposition because in order to lighten the burden of conflict with the superego as the id, they can be easily projected by the ego onto the outside world. This delusional projection corresponds to the hysterical split. The difference is that in this state of “multiple personality”, it comes to an alternating identification with one of the opponents simultaneously, with respective amnesia. In a detailed case study, Reich describes a case of a sexually abused child. Successively it came to a hysterical split and a multiple personality.

The Radicalization of Reich: 1926-1930


Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. XII Band. 1926.

Wilhelm Reich: Uber die chronische hypochondrische Neurasthenie mit genitaler Asthenie. pp. 25-39.

(Lecture to the IX. International Psychoanalytic Congress, Bad-Homburg, September 1925. Title of the lecture: “Zur Struktur und Genese des” hypochondrischen Neurasthenie “.” Manuscript rewritten October 1925. Retrieved October 1925.)

On the chronic hypochondriacal neurasthenia with genital asthenia.

Wilhelm Reich: Uber die Quellen der neurotischen Angst. pp. 422-431

Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik. I Jahrgang Heft 3. 1926.

Wilhelm Reich: Eltern als Erzieher. pp. 65-74.


Reich, Wilhelm. Funktion Des Orgasmus: Zur Psychopathologie Und Zur Soziologie Des Geschlechtslebens.

(Neue Arbeiten zur ärztlichen Psychoanalyse. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Sigm. Freud. Nr. VI), Leipzig/Wien/Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1927. 206 pp.

1st Edition. 206pp. Gedrukte gele kaft. “Meinem Lehrer Professor Sigmund Freud in tiefer Verehrung”. Dr. When he wrote this, Wilhelm Reich was Assistant to the Psychoanalytic Ambulatory in Vienna. This book was translated into English in a slightly updated version as “Genitality in the Theory and Therapy of the Neuroses”. It should not be confused with the later book of the same title. This work has an important historical significance, because it clearly describes for the first time the concept of orgasmic potency.

Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. XIII Band. 1927.

Wilhelm Reich: Zur Technik der Deutung und der Widerstandsanalyse. pp. 141-159.

Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik. I Jahrgang Heft 7-8-9. 1927.

Wilhelm Reich: Eltern als Erzieher: Die Stellung der Eltern zur kindlichen Onanie. pp. 263-269.


Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik. II Jahrgang. Jan.-Febr.-März 1928. Heft 4-5-6.

Wilhelm Reich: Uber die Onanie im Kindesalter, pp.149-152

Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik. III Jahrgang. Nov-Dez. 1928. Heft 2/3.

Wilhelm Reich: Wohin führt die Nackterziehung?

Read for the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society on October 10, 1928

Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. XIV Band. 1928.

Wilhelm Reich: Uber Charakteranalyse. pp. 180-196.

Almanach der Psychoanalyse. 1928.

Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag. Wien. (Dritte Almanach des Internationalen Psychoanalytischer Verlages in Wien für das Jahr 1928, herausgegeben von A.J. Storfer, Read for the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society on October 10, 1928

Contains: Wilhelm Reich, Die Spaltung der Geschlechtlichkeit und ihre Folgen für Ehe und Gesellschaft.


Reich, Wilhelm: Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse, Sexpol Verlag, 1934, in het Duits en Russisch, 1929.

Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. XV Band. 1929.

Wilhelm Reich: Der genitale und der neurotische Charakter. Untersuchungen über die libido-ökonomische Funktion des Charakters. pp. 435-455.

Die Psychoanalytische Bewegung. I Jahrgang. Heft 4. Nov.-Dez. 1929.

Wilhelm Reich: Die Stellung der Psychoanalyse in der Sowjetunion, pp.358-368.

Reich, Wilhelm: Sexualerregung und Sexualbefriedigung, Muensterverlag, Vienna, III Auflage 1930 (1929).

Bevrijding en Afwijzing – Reich’s Breuk met de Psychoanalytische Vereniging: 1930-1934

“Einbruch der Sexualmoral”, is Reich’s centrale geschrift over de samenhang tussen Seksualität, Bezit en “Herschaftsdenken”. Wezenlijk voor Reich’s Theorie is de Nachweis, dat een vrij ontwikkelde seksualiteit niet tot anarchie leidt, maar van Neurosen en Perversies bevrijdt.

This is Reich’s 8th book. It uses Malinowski’s findings on the Trobrianders to state that patriarchy, sex denial, and class separation long ago “invaded the natural state of matriarchy, sexual affirmation, and primitive communism” (Sharaf, pp. 197-8). Probably Reich’s last book before he had fled to Germany for the Nazi regime. (Later translated into English as “The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality.” Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1971)


Almanach der Psychoanalyse. 1930.

Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag. Wien. (Almanach des Internationalen Psychoanalytischer Verlages in Wien für das Jahr 1930, herausgegeben von A.J. Storfer).

Bevat: Wilhelm Reich, Die Dialektik im Seelischen.

 Kritik der Burgerlichen Sexualreform

Reich, Wilhelm. Geschlechtsreife, Enthaltsamkeit, Ehemoral. Eine Kritik der bürgerlichen Sexualreform. Münster-Verlag/Wien. 1930

(Also available as: Berlin: Underground Press 1968). 182 SS. OBrosch. – Revolutionäre Schriften VI. – Abrechnung mit der Ehe aus sozialistischer Sicht. Daneben auch über die Sexualität und Moralentwicklung in der Pubertät.


Reich, Wilhelm, Sexualnot der Werkstätigen und die Schwierigkeit sexueller Beratung, in: Sexualnot und Sexualreform. Verhandlungen der Weltliga für Sexualreform. IV Kongress abgehalten zu Wien vom 16.bis 23. september 1930. Wien, Elbemühl-Verlag. 1931.

Reich, Wilhelm, Ueber den epileptischen Anfall, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XVII, Vienna 1931, p.263-275. (Also in International Journal for Psychoanalysis, London, 1932.)

Reich, Wilhelm, Die charakterologische Ueberwindung des Oedipuskomplexes, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, XVII, Vienna 1931, p. 55-71. (Also appeared as: Ueber den Oedipuskomplex : drei psychoanalytische Studien, F. Boehm, O. Fenichel, W. Reich, Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag,1931.


Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. XVIII Band. 1932.

Wilhelm Reich: Der Masochistische Charakter. Eine sexualökonomische Widerlegung des Todestriebes und des Wiederholungszwanges

This article shows the beginning of Reich’s movement from character analytical rigidities to physical tensions, from character armor to muscular armor. Within a few years, Reich’s primary therapeutic focus will be on the physical spasms or “armor segments,” not only in the pelvis that he drew attention to in the masochistic character, but throughout the body.

Wilhelm Reich: Anbschliessende Bemerkung zur “Gegenkritik” Bernfelds. pp. 303-386.

Reich, Wilhelm. Einbruch Der Sexualmoral: Zur Geschichte Der Sexuellen Ökonomie. Berlin, Verlag für Sexualpolitik. Berlin-Leipzig-Wien. 1932. 137p.

Der Sexuelle Kampf der Jugend, Berlin: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 1932. 152 pp.

1933: Reich Departs Germany for Denmark, to Escape Nazi Persecution.

Reich, Wilhelm, Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus. Verlag für Sexualpolitik Kopenhagen-Prag-Zürich, 1933. 292 pp. II. Auflage, Verlag für Sexualpolitik 1933. English translantion in Reich 1946 Reich-MassPsychologyOfFascism

This is a classic work on character structures and their sensitivity to the fascist and authoritarian influences in the broadest sense. In the 1933 edition, Reich takes another Marxist stance, using all Marxist terms and turning them into gender-economic terms in the third revised and expanded edition. He also elaborates on the social consequences of Orgone biophysics and the further developed realizations of the orgone therapeutically oriented character analysis.

REICH, Wilhelm Charakteranalyse: Technik und Grundlagen. Vienna: Zelbstverlag (Manzsche, Vienna), 1933. 288 pp.

First edition (1933) of this work in which Reich describes the theory and technique of character analysis. From an orthodox psychoanalytic perspective this is Reich’s most important contribution (as well as the source of a variety of body-oriented therapies such as bioenergetics and others). There is some irony that Reich was forced to self-publish this work when Freud informed him by letter that the contract with the International Psychoanalytic Publishers, of which Freud was the editorial director, had been canceled. According to Reich’s biographer Myron Sharaf, Freud’s explanation that the political situation in Vienna’s decision hid only the fact of Freud’s own increasing “envy for Reich’s Sexpol activities” (Fury On Earth, p.171).

The second edition of 1944 was expanded with the lecture “Psychischer Kontakt und vegatative Strömung” that Reich gave at the 13th Psychoanalytic Congress in Lucerne. This text demonstrates Reich’s alienation from classical Psychoanalysis and the transition to orgone biophysics.

The third edition of 1948 also includes “über die emotional Pest” and “die Ausdruckssprache des Lebendigen”. The psychoanalytic professional world has generally ignored the part that was added after 1933.

This is also one of the books that burned the Nazis (Reich was of Jewish descent): During the night of November 4, 1933, members of Adolf Hitler’s personal guard, the SA, lit fires in the main towns of Germany’s major cities. The flames that marred the gothic architecture of Munich and Stuttgart, Hamburg and Hanover with grotesque shadows of a grotesque future were kindled with a unique fuel: the published work of many of Germany’s leading scientists, philosophers, and medical men and women – books written by Jews. Among the many thousands of titles publicly burned during that bitter November night were Character Analysis and Die Function des Orgasmus by a young Austrian psychiatrist, Wilhelm Reich. When the Nazi stormtroopers gathered around the flames, Reich started packing his suitcase for a haven for intolerance and persecution in the US.

Twenty-seven years later, on March 17, 1960, a convoy of official trucks rolled along 25th street on New York’s “lower east side” and stopped in front of the city’s public incinerator. Federal Food and Drug Administration officials carried arms full of books loaded into the trucks in the incinerator where workers threw them into the flames. The books burned in this way include titles such as “The Sexual Revolution”, along with some well-known sounding titles: “The Function of the Orgasm” and “Character Analysis”. Wilhelm Reich had been dead for more than two years, but had achieved the unique double award that his books were burned by both the Nazis and the United States government. In America, the opposition took the form of vested medical interests that felt threatened by its advances in energy medicine. The Food and Drug Administration – a notoriously restrictive organization – banned him from practicing what was an unauthorized form of medicine for them, and when he refused to give up his job, he was sentenced to two years in prison for insulting the court, where he died of a heart attack in November 1957. In this way, Reich shared the fate of many great scientific pioneers who were not recognized during their lives, but were excluded or penalized for their creative endeavors for the benefit of humanity .


Dialekties Materialisme en Psychoanalyse/Dialektischer Materialismus/Dialektische Materialismus und Psychoanalyse   

REICH, Wilhelm, Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse. Original: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, Copenhagen: 1934 59p. (Pol. Psych. Schriftenreihe der Sex. Pol. nr. 2). 60 pp.

REICH, WILHELM. Dialekties Materialisme en Psychoanalyse. Amst.,z.j. 106p. (Serie wat te doen nr.4).

In German: from the first edition in «Unter dem Banner des Marxismus». Originally published in 1929 in both Russian (Dialekticheskii materializm i psikhoanaliz ”in: Pod znamenem marksizma, Moskva, No. 7-8, 1929, pp. 180-206.) As German

First steps on the Road to Life – Reich’s Experimental Work in Scandinavia: 1934-1939


Reich, Wilhelm (Ernst Parell) Was ist Klassenbewusstsein? Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über die Neuformierung der Arbeiterbewegung. Verlag für Sexualpolitik -Kopenhagen -Paris-Zürich Politisch-Psychologische Schriftenreihe. Nr.1 1934

Reich, Wilhelm. “Zeitschrift für politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie“. Band 1- Heft 3/4. (1934).

Raubdruck , Sie enthält zahlreiche, teilweise sehr seltene Texte Reichs, teilweise anonym oder unter seinem Pseudonym Ernst Parell.


Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie, Band II- Heft 1-3(7). 1935

Reich, Wilhelm, Psychischer Kontakt und Vegetative Stroemung. Abhandl. zur personellen Sexualökonomie, Nr. 3. Sexpol Verlag, 1935. 61 pp.


Reich, Wilhelm. “Zeitschrift für politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie“. Band 3- Heft 3/4 (10/11) 1936: Herausgeber Ernst Parell (Pseudoniem W. Reich). Inhalt: Du ma ikke sovve; Kulturkampf und Literatur; Ein Rufer in der Wüste; Kinder klagen an; Stimmungsbilder aus Frankreich; Sowjetgesetz gegen Abtreibung; Charakter und Gesellschaft; Unser Glückwunsch an Freud; Sexpol-Bewegung, Sexpol-Korrespondenz; Besprechungen; Redaktionelle Mitteilungen.

Sexualität im Kulturkampf: zur sozialistischen Umstrukturierung des Menschen, II Erweiterte Auflage (von “Geschlechtsreife, Enthaltsamkeit, Ehemoral”, 1930), Copenhagen: Sexpol-Verlag, 1936.


Reich, WilhelmArbeitsdemokratie, Sexpol Verlag, 1937.

Reich, WilhelmExperimentelle Ergebnisse über Die Elektrische Funktion Von Sexualität Und Angst, Klinische und Experimentelle Berichte #4, Sexpol Verlag, Copenhagen, 1937. 55 pp

Reich, WilhelmOrgasmusreflex, Muskelhaltung und Koerperausdruck. Zur Technik der charakteranalytischen Vegetotherapie. + Der dialektische Materialismus in der Lebensforschung. Bericht über die Bion-Versuche, Nr. 5, Sexpol Verlag, Oslo-Copenhagen, 1937. 62 pp

Reich, Wilhelm. “Zeitschrift für politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie“. Band 4- Heft 1 (12) 1937: Herausgeber Ernst Parell

(Pseudoniem W. Reich). Inhalt: Einige aktuelle Fragen der zweiten Front; Der Film “The shape of things to come”; Krigsfilmdämmerung; Religiöse Extase als Ersatz der sexuelle Auslösung; Hintergründe der Neurosen; Bericht aus dem Kindergarten; Sexpol-Bewegung; Sexualpolitische Jahresübersicht; Sexpol und Psychoanalyse; Einige Mitteilungen aus Deutschland; Besprechungen.

Reich, Wilhelm. “Zeitschrift für politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie“. Band 4- Heft 2 (13) 1937: Herausgeber: Sigurd Hoel.

Inhalt: Jorgen Neergaard, gest. 2.2.37; Rede bei der Beisetzung; Leunbach-verdienter Lohn? Aus der sexualökonomische Lebensforschung – Der Orgasmusreflex; Mitteilung aus dem Int. Institut f. sexualök. Forschung; Irrationalismus in Politik und Gesellschaft – Der Moskauer Prozess; Aus dem chinesischen Patriarchat; Sexpol-Bewegung – Zur Entlassung unserer Kollegen Dr. Leunbach und Philipson; Sexpol-Korrespondenz; Buchbesprechungen

Reich, Wilhelm. “Zeitschrift für politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie“. Band 4- Heft 3 (14) 1937. Herausgeber Sigurd Hoel.

Der dialektische Materialismus in der Lebensforschung; Irrationalismus in Politik und Gesellschaft; Dialektisch-materialistische Facharbeiter contra geistige Irrlichter der sozialistische Bewegung; Aus der sexualökonomische Praxis – Zum heutigen Geschlechtsleben der Jugend; Aus dem Tagebuch meines Kinderhauses; Bericht einer norwegische Mutter; Der Sinn der “religiös-stittlichen” Erziehung; Aus dem Institut für sexualökonomische Lebensforschung; Sexpol-Korrespondenz; Sexualpolitische Umschau; Sexpol-Bewegung; Besprechungen.


REICH, Wilhelm, Die Bione. Zur Entstehung des Vegetatives Lebens. Institut für Sexualökonomische Lebensforschung. Klinische und experimentelle Berichte, Nr. 6. Sexpol Verlag, 1938. 205 pp.

Contains 3 monographs: Reich’s Experimentelle Bion-Herstellung (Erster, zu ergänzender Bericht): Die dialektisch-materialistische Interpretation (xiv+[116]pp. + 27 halftones). Roger Du Teil’s Leben und Materie: Drei Versuchsreihen (pp. 117-[136] + 2 halftones). Arthur Hahn’s Die Geschichte der Auffassungen seit dem 17. Jahrhundert über den Ursprung des organischen Lebens (pp. 137-205). Very scarce.

Reich, Wilhelm, Die Bione, Sexpol-Verlag, 1938, renewed 1966First Octagon printing 1979.


REICH, Wilhelm, Sexualiteit en Nieuwe Cultuur, Anarchistische Uitgeverij, Amsterdam, 1939. Met voorwoord van Max Van Praag

In the same year also published by the ‘Uitgeverij voor Sociale Psychologie’ in Rotterdam (Introduction of 6 pages by R. de Lange, also the translator.

Second edition: (Translated by René De Lange) 1949.Reich, Wilhelm. Sexualiteit en Nieuwe Cultuur. Bijdrage tot de socialistische omvorming van de mens. Groningen. Plutarchus.

REICH, Wilhelm, Drei Versuche am Statischen Elektroskop, Klinische und experimentelle Berichte, Nr. 7. Sexpol Verlag, 1939. 30 pp.

On his Own in America – Total Immersion in Studies of “Life Energy” (Orgone Energy): 1940-1950



1942: Start of International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research (1942-1945)

REICH, Wilhelm, The Function of the Orgasm: Sex-Economic Problems of Biological Energy NY 1942. xxxvi + 368 pp.

First English edition: Translated from the German manuscript by Theodore P[eter] Wolfe (1902-1954). The Discovery of the Orgone Volume 1. NY: Orgone Institute Press, 1942. 1st Edition. [ii]+xxvi+368pp. Printed pale green cloth. The Function of the Orgasm: by Reich, Wilhelm. Publisher: London, Panther Date Published: 1968. Reprint 1970. This is not a translation of Reich’s Die Funktion des Orgasmus, published in 1927). Tracing the twenty year development of Reich’s concept of “sex-economy,” from psychoanalysis to orgone biophysics, this book was translated from the German manuscript by Theodore P. Wolfe. Reich’s groundbreaking discoveries in psychology, including his discovery of “orgone,” a primal energy found in the Universe and which may be accessed through the psyche, especially through the proper psychological use of and connection with the sexual function.

International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone-Research, Volume 1

by Wolfe, Theodore, Editor; Wilhelm Reich

Edition: 1st edition Binding: Softbound Publisher: Orgone Institute Press, New York Date Published: 1942

  • Arnold, Carl (pseud.): “The Treatment of a Depression”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):163-170, July 1942.
  • Frank, Walter (pseud.): “Vegetotherapy”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):65-87, March 1942.
  • Hirning, Stefan (pseud): “The Place of Literature in the Cultural Struggle”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):238-246, November 1942.
  • Leistikow, Gunnar: “The Fascist Newspaper Campaign in Norway”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):266-273, November 1942.
  • Martin, Paul (pseud): “Sex-Economic ‘Upbringing’”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):18-32, March 1942.
  • Martin, Paul (pseud): “Reviews: The Cardiovascular System in Pubberty; Anxiety and Sexual Organs; Experimental Confirmation of Respiratory Inhibition”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):88-89, March 1942.
  • Martin, Paul (pseud): “The Dangers of Freedom”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):226-237, November 1942.
  • Neill, Alexander S.: “The Problem Teacher: Exerpts”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):180-184, July 1942; I(3):282-288, November 1942. Continued in Neill 1943, 1944.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “About the History and Activities of Our Institute”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):1-10, March 1942.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The Orgasm Reflex: A Case History”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):55-64, March 1942. Reprinted as Chapter VIII in Reich Function of the Orgasm, 1942.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Biophysical Functionalism and Mechanistic Natural Science”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):97-107, July 1942 [reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 8(1):5-18, 1974].
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The Discovery of the Orgone: Experimental Investigations of Biological Energy”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):108-130, July 1942 [reprinted in Reich Cancer Biopathy 1948].
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The Carcinomatous Shrinking Biopathy”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):131-155, July 1942 [reprinted in Reich The Cancer Biopathy 1948, and in Journal of Orgonomy, 6(2):151-186, 1972].
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “In Memoriam: Bronislaw Malinowski 1884-1942”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):173-174, July 1942.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The Natural Organization of Protozoa from Orgone Energy Vesicles”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):193-225, November 1942 [reprinted in Journal of Orgonomy, 7(1):4-29, 7(2):149-169, 1973, and in Reich 1948].
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Character and Society”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):247-256, November 1942.
  • Robert, Mary (pseud.): “Shock Therapy as a Subjective Experience”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):156-162, July 1942.
  • Thornburn, William F.: “Mechanistic Medicine and the Biopathies”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):257-258, November 1942.
  • Walter, Ernst: “A Talk With a Sensible Mother”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):10-17, March 1942. Translated from Walter 1936.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “The Sex-Economic Concept of Psychosomatic Identity and Antithesis”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):33-54, March 1942.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “Reviews: Sexology, Character Analysis”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):90-94, March 1942.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “A Note on ‘Integration’ in Science”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):171-172, July 1942.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “Reviews: Types of Anxiety by P. Schilder; General Semantics by A. Korzybski”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):185-190, July 1942.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “A Sex-Economic Note on Academic Sexology”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):259-265, November 1942.
  • anon.: “Ill-Advised Surgical Procedure; The ‘Dangers’ of Sexual Intercourse”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(1):94-95, March 1942.
  • anon.: “Sex-Economy and Everyday Life: I. Character Armor in Everyday Life, 2. Mechanistic Medicine and National Health”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):175-176, July 1942.
  • anon.: “Psysiological Anchoring of Psychic Conflicts”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):177-179, July 1942.
  • anon.: “Letter from a Mother”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(2):191, July 1942.
  • anon.: “Warning Against the Application of Sex-Economic Knowledge”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):192, November 1942.
  • anon.: “Correspondence: On the Psychology of Adolescence; The Old Question of Magnifications Over 2000x; Disastrous Fads in Infant Upbringing; Realization of Change”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):274-279, November 1942.
  • anon.: “Notes: On the Technique of Irrationalism in Social Life”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, I(3):280-281, November 1942.
  • Reviews
  • Correspondence
  • In Memoriam


International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone-Research, Volume 2

by Wolfe, Theodore, Editor; Wilhelm Reich

Edition: 1st edition Binding: Softbound Publisher: Orgone Institute Press, New York Date Published: 1943.

Contains Reich’s “Experimental Orgone Therapy of the Cancer Biopathy (1937-1943)”; “Give Responsibility to Vitally Necessary Work!”; “The Biological Miscalculation in the Human Struggle for Freedom”; “Work Democracy versus Politics”.

  • Bellamy, Lucille: “Vegetotherapeutic Gynmastics”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):141-147, September 1943.
  • High school Student: “The sexual behavior of adolescents in a New York borough”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):153-157.
  • Post, Dorothy I.: “Freedom is Not So Dangerous”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):148-152, September 1943.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Experimental Orgone Therapy of the Cancer Biopathy (1937-1943)”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(1):1-92, March 1943 [reprinted in Reich Cancer Biopathy 1948].
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Give Responsibility to Vitally Necessary Work!”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):93-96, September 1943.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Biological Miscalculation in the Human Struggle for Freedom”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):97-121, September 1943.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Work Democracy Versus Politics”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):122-140, September 1943.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “A Sex-Economist Answers”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):158-165, September 1943. Continued in 1944.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “Misconceptions of Sex-Economy as Evidence in Book Reviews”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II:166-172, September 1943.
  • Reviews
  • Martin, Paul: “Review: Det Sunde Barn (The Healthy Child) by A. M. Nörvig, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):175-188, September 1943.
  • Neill, Alexander S.: “The Problem Teacher: Exerpts”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2-3):198-204, September 1943. Continued from Neill 1942 and continued in Neill 1944.
  • Obermayer, Harry: “Review: The Fear of Freedom by Eric Fromm; General Semantics by A. Korzybski”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II(2):173-175, September 1943.
  • Notes
  • anon.: ” Party-Political and Scientific Concept of Fascism; On Defamations; Miscellaneous Questions; Upbringing and Fitness for War; Abolition of Co-Education in Soviet Russia; Notice from the Orgone Institute Regarding Orgone Accumulators; Warning Against the Misinterpretation of ‘Sexual Health’”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, II:189-197, September 1943.


International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone-Research, Volume 3

by Wolfe, Theodore, Editor; Wilhelm Reich

Edition: 1st edition Binding: Softbound Publisher: Orgone Institute Press, New York Date Published: 1944.

An issue of Reich’s quarterly containing his essays, “Orgonotic Pulsation” and “Living Productive Power, Working Power,” as well as excerpts from influential progressive educator A.S. Neill’s That Dreadful School and The Problem Teacher (Neill’s pedagogical philosophy was in part influenced by Reichian ideas).

  • Arnold, Carl (pseud.): “Sex-Economy: A Theory of Living Functioning”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):17-37, March 1944 [reprinted in Reich Cancer Biopathy 1948].
  • Martin, Paul (pseud.): “Sex Education in the Schools”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):188-190, October 1944.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Thermical and electroscopical orgonometry (The discovery of the orgone, Part 2)”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):1-37, March 1944.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The Masochistic Character”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):38-61, March 1944. Translated from Reich 1932, reprinted in Reich Charakter-Analyse 1933, 1945, 1949.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Orgonotic Pulsation: The Differentiation of Orgone Energy from Electromagnetism, Presented in Talks with an Electrophysicist”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):97-150, October 1944.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The ‘Living Productive Power, Working Power’ of Karl Marx”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):151-164, October 1944.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “A Sex-Economist Answers, Part 2”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):62-70, March 1944. Continued from 1943.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “On a Common Motive for Defamation”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):71-73, March 1944.
  • Wolfe, Theodore P.: “The Stumbling Block in Medicine and Psychiatry”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):165-187, October 1944.
  • Reviews: Lowen, Alexander: “Review: The Ethics of Sexual Acts by Rene Guyon”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):205-210, October 1944.
  • Obermayer, Harry: “Review: The Psychology of Fascism by Peter Nathan”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):81-82, March 1944.
  • Obermayer, Harry: “Reviews: Education: A Search for New Principles by Herbert Phillipson; Children in Soviet Russia by Deana Levin”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):210-213, October 1944.
  • Meyer, Gladys: “Review: Psychoanalysis Today by Sandor Lorand”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):213-219, October 1944.
  • anon.: “Notes: Rational and Irrational Discussion of Orgone Biophysics; ‘Nuttier Than a Fruit Cake’; A Sex-Economic Prediction Come True”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):74-80, March 1944.
  • anon.: “Notes: The Orgone Energy in Early Scientific Literature”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):191-195, October 1944.
  • anon.: “Notes: A Clarification (on Psychosomatic Medicine by Flanders Dunbar); Some Observations of Children”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):195-203, October 1944.
  • Neill, Alexander S.: “That Dreadful School: Exerpts”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(2-3):220-230, October 1944. Continued in 1945.
  • Neill, Alexander S.: “The Problem Teacher: Exerpts”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):87-96, March 1944, III(2-3):230-232, October 1944. Continued from Neill 1942, 1943.
  • Neill, Alexander S.: The Problem Teacher International University Press, NY, 1944.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Thermal and Electroscopical Orgonometry (Discovery of the Orgone, part 2)”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, III(1):1-16, March 1944. Reprinted in Reich Cancer Biopathy 1948.


International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone-Research, Volume 4

by Wolfe, Theodore, Editor, Orgone Institute Press, New York 1945.

  • Calas, Elena: “Studying ‘The Children’s Place’”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):156-172, November 1945.
  • Denison, Lucille Bellamy: “The Child and His Struggle”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):173-190, November 1945.
  • Hoppe, Walter: “My First Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):200-201, November 1945.
  • Lowen, Alexander: “Adolescence: A Problem in Sex-Economy”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):72-95, April 1945.
  • Meyer, Gladys: “The Making of Fascists”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):191-199, November 1945.
  • Neill, Alexander S.: “Coeducation and Sex”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):54-58, April 1945.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Anorgonia in the Carcinomatous Shrinking Biopathy”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):1-33, April 1945. Reprinted in Reich 1948.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Some Mechanisms of the Emotional Plague”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):34-53, April 1945.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Orgone Biophysics, Mechanistic Science and ‘Atomic Energy’”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):129-132, November 1945.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Experimental Demonstration of the Physical Orgone Energy”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):133-146, November 1945. Reprinted in Reich 1948.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The Development of the Authoritarian State Apparatus from Rational Social Relationships”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):147-155, November 1945. Reprinted in Reich Mass Psychology of Fascism 1946
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “From the Orgone Institute”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV:214, 1945.
  • Saxe, Felicia: “A Case History”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):59-71, April 1945.
  • Reviews: Meyer, Gladys: “Review: An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy by Gunnar Myrdal”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):103-114, April 1945.
  • Obermayer, Harry: “Reviews: The Machiavellians by James Burnham” and Die Sexuelle Erziehung by Z. Sohar & S. Gollan”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):216-220, November 1945.
  • Meyer, Gladys: “Reviews: Margaret Sanger. An Autobiography and Infant and Child in the Culture of Today: The guidance of Development by A. Gesell & F. Ilg”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):221-227, November 1945.
  • NOTES: anon.: “Outline of the Present Activities of the Orgone Institute”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):96-99, April 1945.
  • anon.: “Notes: ‘Cold Facts’, Sexuality Before the Law, ‘Free Love’”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):100-104, April 1945.
  • anon.: “Notes: Is the Orgone Atomic Energy?; Orgonotic Contact. Letter from a Reader; ‘A New Disease’; A Note on ‘Family Cohesion’; Some Practical Problems of Adolescent Sex Relationships; A Note from the History of Science; The Position of Sex-Economy: A Clarification; A.S. Neill and Sex-Economy: A Clarification; From the Orgone Institute; From the Orgone Institute Press”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(2-3):202-215, November 1945.
  • EXCERPTS:Neill, Alexander S.: “That Dreadful School: Exerpts”, International Journal of Sex-Economy & Orgone Research, IV(1):115-128, April 1945, IV(2-3):228-251, November 1945. Continued from 1944.

Reich, Wilhelm, Character-Analysis: Principles and Technique for Psychoanalysts in Practice and in Training, New York, Orgone Institute Press, Second Edition 1945. xxii + 328 pp.

Third Enlarged Edition = 1949.

Translation of “Charakteranalyse” (1933) and of “Psychischer Kontakt und vegetative Strömung”, to which have been added two articles in the Third Edition: “The Expressive Language of the Living in Orgone Therapy” and “The Schizophrenic Split”. xxvi+516+[2]pp.

Reich, Wilhelm, The Sexual Revolution, New York, Orgone Institute Press, Second Edition 1945. xxvii + 273 pp.


REICH, Wilhelm, MASS PSYCHOLOGY OF FASCISM: New York: Orgone Institute Press, 1946.

First edition in English, revised and enlarged from the German (2nd) edition. Reich’s important interpretation of authoritarian character.

Ideology as Material Power; Authoritarian Family Ideology and the Mass Psychology of Fascism; The Race Theory; Symbolism of the Swastika; Sex-Economic Basis of the Authoritarian Family; Organized Mysticism: The International Antisexual Organization; Sex-Economy in the Fight Against Mysticism; Some Problems of Sex-Political Practice; the Masses and the State; Work Democracy. Reich speaks of “three different layers of biophyschic sructure;” the outer layer being restrained, polite, compassionate and conscientious, the inner layer–under favorable conditions–honest, industrious, cooperative , loving, and also “rationally” hating. The problem comes in the middle layer, which he equates with the Freudian unconscious–cruel, sadistic, lascivious, predatory and envious. He sees liberalism as representing the outer layer, all genuine revolutionary art and science as stemming from the deep layer, and fascism as representing the middle layer.

1947: Start of New Journal: Annals of the Orgone Institute. (1947-

The Road to Death – Campaign against Orgonomy and Oranur. 1948-1957.


REICH, Wilhelm, Discovery Of The Orgone, I: Function Of The Orgasm, T. Wolfe, trsl., 2nd Edition, Orgone Institute Press, NY, 1948

REICH, Wilhelm, Discovery Of The Orgone, II: The Cancer Biopathy, T. Wolfe, trnsl., Orgone Institute Press, NY, 1948.

First Edition. Bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering. Includes an errata sheet. Study of cancer from bioenergy standpoint. One of Reich’s most scarce works. He argues that the absence of sexual orgasms are a cause of cancer. His case study of the woman (p. 197-211) shows her sexual fears and, in his opinion, the cause of her tumor. Her ambivalence about sex is revealed in her frank questions, “Does the man move his penis in the vagina? He goes on to show how her sexual fears may account for the lack of healthy sexual organs. 409 pp.

REICH, Wilhelm, LISTEN, LITTLE MAN,Orgone Institute Press, New York, 1948.

First Edition : a Document From the Archives of the Orgone Institute. Translated By Wolfe, Theodore P. Drawings: Steig, William. 126p.

Also: Penguin Books. 1983. 109p.

Raubdruck in German: Hör Zu Kleiner Mann. 90p.

Translation in Dutch: Luister Kleine Man.De Bezige Bij. Amsterdam. 1971. 138p.

1949: Start of New Journal: Orgone Energy Bulletin

REICH, Wilhelm, Annals of the Orgone Institute. Number 2. Ether, God and Devil. Orgone Institute Press. New York, 1949

REICH, Wilhelm, Ether, God and Devil. Orgone Institute Press. New York, 1949

Later editions 1951, 1973.


Orgone Energy Bulletin. Volume 2 No. 1. NY: Orgone Institute Press, 1950.

48pp. Printed blue wrappers. Scarce. Contains Reich’s “Orgonomic Functionalism Part II”, pp. 1-16.

  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Orgonomic Functionalism, Part II: On the Historical Development of Orgonomic Functionalism”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):1-15, II(2):49-62, and II(3):99-123, 1950 [continued in Reich 1952].
  • Hoppe, Walter: “Further Experiences with the Orgone Accumulator”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):16-21, 1950
  • Raknes, Ola: “A Short Treatment with Orgone Therapy”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):22-31, 1950.
  • Sobey, Victor M.: “Six Clinical Cases”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, II(1):32-43, 1950.
  • Orgonomic movement
  • Notes


Orgone Energy Bulletin. Volume 3 No. 3 NY: Orgone Institute Press, July 1951.

  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Orgonomic Infant Research Center (OIRC): Armoring in a Newborn Infant”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):121-138, 1951.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Dowsing as an Object of Orgonomic Research (1946)”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(2):139-144, 1951.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Three Experiments with Rubber at the Electroscope (1939)”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):144-145, 1951.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Wilhelm Reich on the Road to Biogenesis (1935-1939)”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):146-162, 1951
  • Cott, A. Alan: “Orgonomic Treatment of Ichtyosis”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):163-166, 1951.
  • Gold, Philip: “Orgonotic Functions in a Manic-Depressive Case”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):167-180, 1951.
  • anon.: “On the Record: Our Independence; ‘Air Germs’; Corroboration of Orgone Biophysics”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, III(3):181-184, 1951.

REICH, Wilhelm, The Orgone Accumulator. Its medical and scientific use.Orgone Institute Press, Maine, 1951

Limited Edition of 500 copies only. Thin octavo. 1st Edition. 56pp. 20 text photos. Printed pictorial white wrappers with front cover color photograph of orgone energy luminating in a pressure vacuum tube. This booklet is a legendary rarity, which was the FDA’s raison d’etre for arresting Reich and burning his books. Reprint by CORPS, London. 1972 (without the photographs).


Orgone Energy Bulletin. Volume 4 No. 1 NY: Orgone Institute Press, January 1952.

  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Orgonomic Functionalism, Part II: On the Historical Development of Orgonomic Functionalism – Orgonomic Thinking in Medicine”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):1-12, IV(4):186-196, 1952. (Continued from Reich 1950)
  • Raknes, Ola: “From Libido Theory to Orgonomy”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):13-18, 1952.
  • Baker, Elsworth F.: “Genital Anxiety in Nursing Mothers”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):19-31, 1952.
  • Steig, William.: “Some Notes on Art Inspired by Reich”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):12-36, 1952.
  • Kelley, Charles R.: “Causality and Freedom: A Functional Analysis”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):37-43, 1952.
  • Levine, Emanuel: “Observations on a Case of Coronary Occlusion”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):44-50, 1952.
  • Communications, Reviews, Notes:
  • Silvert, Michael.: “On the Medical Use of Orgone Energy”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):51-54, 1952.
  • Steig, Arthur: “On the Common Cold: Notes by a Layman based on Wilhelm Reich’s Concept ‘Orgone Energy Metabolism’”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):54-58, 1952.
  • Grossmann, Werner: “Observations of Orgone Energy Lumination”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):59-60, 1952.

Orgone Energy Bulletin. Volume 4 No. 2 NY: Orgone Institute Press, April 1952.

Contents: Orgonomic Diagnosis of Cancer Biopathy. Based on a course on cancer given by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. Compiled by Chester M. Raphael, M.D. and Helen E. MacDonald, Ph.D. Includes: “The Reich Blood Test”, “The T-Bacilli”, “Orgonomic Examination of Body Secretions”, “Indications for Use of the orgone Energy Accumulator”, “The Medical Efficacy of the Orgone Energy Accumulator”

Orgonomic Diagnosis of Cancer Biopathy. Based on a course on cancer given by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. Compiled by Chester M. Raphael, and Helen E. MacDonald, Orgone Institute Press, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, 1952.

Orgone Energy Bulletin. Volume 4 No. 3 NY: Orgone Institute Press, July 1952. (First Bi-Annual Report (1950-1951) of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation)

  • Reich, Wilhelm: “An Experiment in Social Administration”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):130-134, 1952.
  • anon.: “From the Charter of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):135-136, 1952.
  • anon.: “The Wilhelm Reich Foundation By-Laws”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):137-145, 1952.
  • anon.: “Financial Report of the W.R.F.”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):146-153, 1952.
  • anon.: “The Scientific Activities of the W.R.F. Published 1950-1951”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):154-156, 1952.
  • anon.: “Two Year Report of the Orgone Institute Press, 1950-1951”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):157-161, 1952.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: Appendix: “Truth Versus Modju”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(3):162-170, 1952.

Orgone Energy Bulletin. Volume 4 No. 4 NY: Orgone Institute Press, October 1952.

  • Reich, Wilhelm: “DOR Removal and Cloud-Busting”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):171-182, 1952
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Administration of Cosmic Orgone Energy: Regulation of Orgone Energy Accumulator Distribution”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):183-185, 1952.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Orgonomic Functionalism, Part II: On the Historical Development of Orgonomic Functionalism – Orgonomic Thinking in Medicine”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(1):1-12, IV(4):186-196, 1952. (Continued from Reich 1950)
  • Atkin, R.H.: “A Space-Energy Continuum”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):197-206, 1952.
  • Raknes, Ola: “A Letter”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):207-214, 1952.
  • Hamilton, A.E.: “Child’s-Eye View of the Orgone Flow”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):215-216, 1952.
  • anon.: “On the Record: Clarifications; Destroy It!; Recent References to the Work of Wilhelm Reich in Books and Periodicals; Wilhelm Reich on ‘The Little Man’; On Human Evil”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, IV(4):220-221, 1952.


Orgone Energy Bulletin. Volume 5 Nos. 1,2 NY: Orgone Institute Press, March 1953.

  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Introductory Note”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):1, 1953.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “On Laws Needed for the Protection of Life in Newborns and of Truth”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):3-4, 1953.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “From The Murder of Christ”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):5-27, 1953.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The Blackening Rocks: Melanor”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):28-59, 1953.
  • Baker, Elsworth F.: “A Grave Therapeutic Problem”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):60-70, 1953.
  • Bremer, Kenneth M.: “Medical Effects of Orgone Energy”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):71-84, 1953.
  • Reich, Wilhelm: “Modju at Work in Journalism”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):85-89, 1953.
  • anon.: “Introduction to the Documentary Volumes on Wilhelm Reich, History of Orgonomy (1897-1952)”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):90-92, 1953. 

The arrangement of the historical material as proposed by the editing staff of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation is as follows: The psychoanalytic Period (Psychiatry): 1919-1934; The Marxist Period (Sociology): 1927-1933; The Norwegian Period (Biogenesis): 1935-1940; The American Period (Cosmic Engineering): 1940-1952); The Silent Observer (WR-The Man): 1897-1952.

anon.: On the Record: “‘Air Germs’”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, V(1-2):93-94, 1953.

REICH, Wilhelm,THE MURDER OF CHRIST. The Emotional Plague of Mankind. 1953.

Later paperback versionAn exploration of the meaning of Christ’s death and responsibility of mankind for this murder through the ages.

REICH, Wilhelm, Biographical Material. HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE LIFE ENERGY (American Period, 1939-1952).Documentary Volume A – XI – E. THE EINSTEIN AFFAIR.Orgone Insitute Press. Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine. 1953.

Extremely Rare publication. Note: This is a restricted public service publication, not for sale on the open bookmarket. For scientific and historical use only…

THE EINSTEIN AFFAIR contains a chronological list of documents (Catalogue Nos. E 1-36) between 1940 and 1952, containing letters and appointments between Albert Einstein and Wilhelm Reich, concerning Reich’s findings on physical OR research. See wikipedia for more information.

REICH, Wilhelm, Biographical Material. HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE LIFE ENERGY. THE EMOTIONAL PLAGUE OF MANKIND (Vol. II). Limited Edition.Orgone Insitute Press. Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine. 1953.

(Quite scarce: Most copies were destroyed by the US government). Autobiographical narrative in which Reich describes the development of his sociological and political thinking between 1927 and 1937.
1976 Edition: Farrar Straus, New York.CONTENTS include: The Silent Observer I: On Wayward, Lonely Trails (the biopsychological gap, the ethical Socialists). II: A Practical course in Marxian sociology,in Austria. III: The “Living Productive Power, Working Power” of Karl Marx (Distortion of Marx’s economics, the meaning of ‘surplus value’, echange value and use value; the law of market economy, ‘state’ versus ‘society’; how manmakes history, social appropriation, Marx and Freud; work- Biological activity; introduction to social sex-economy; the irrationality of all politics. IV: This is politics! THe defeat of social democracy; 250 men out to conquer; trapped revolutionaries; the power of irrationalism; Mass psychology-seen from below;at the sickbed of society; ‘Leaders of the proletariat’; or ‘politics’? Workers understand sex-economy; academism versus life; mothers in trouble; adolescent genitality; adolescents in trouble; ‘something has to be done.’ V: The Break-in of Compulsive Morality into Natural, Primitive Society. People and the state; Malinowski proves sex-economy; the origin of sexual suppression; ‘good’ and ‘bad’ marriages; intermarriage and incest taboo; application in the twentieth century; function of sexual suppression. VI: Everyone is “Enthusiastic” (1930-1933). Democratic Communism and Red Fascism; the economic needs; work versus politics; fighting fascism; the Sexpol; the German Sexpol; ignorant politicians sabotage. VII: Irrationalism in politics and society. (The contradiction in National Socialism; Fascism not understood; “What goes on in people?”; the meaning of racism, state and family; people support tyranny; first physician against emotional plague; People’ssecuriosity; Red Fascism against Social Psychiatry; Youth for liberation of love; all politicians against sex-economy; Hitler in power; ‘it can’t happen here’; the role of psychoanalysis; in exile; Modju expels; Modju senses danger; ‘Liberators’; Problems of social psychiatry; basic tenets on red Fascism; Psychiatrists against Social Psychiatry; basic tenets on Red Fascism; Psychoanalysts against Social Psychiatry; Liberators helpless; resignation; politicking; reorganization; police, ignorance, curiosity; Psychiatry-suspect. VIII: The Congress of the Psychoanalysts in Lucerne, August 1934. APPENDIX: Wilhelm Reich on the road to biogenesis. Norwegian pathologists; the discovery of the bions; Movement versus structure; decay in nature; air germs; the origin of cancer cells.


CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), Vol. VI, Nos. 1-4.Orgone Insitute Press. Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine. 1954. [viii]+140pp.


CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), Vol. VII, Nos. 3-4.Orgone Insitute Press. Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine. 1953.

  • Reich, Wilhelm: “The Medical DOR-Buster”, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):97-113, 1955
  • Grossmann, Werner & Grossmann, Doreen: “Wind Flow and Orgone Flow”, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):114-129, 1955.
  • Grad, Bernard: “Wilhelm Reich’s Experiment XX”, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):130-143, 1955.
  • McCullough, Robert: “Rocky Road Toward Functionalism”, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):144-154, 1955.
  • Steig, William: “Table of Events, DOR Emergency, 1954-1955”, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):155-199, 1955.
  • Silvert, Michael: “Report of OROP Desert Ea Survey of Tuscon Area, September 18, 1955”, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):200-202, 1955.
  • Courie, Marie: “Plant Response to Orgone Energy”, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, VII(3-4):203-204, 1955.



REICH, Wilhelm, Contact With Space: Oranur Second Report, 1951-1956 Orop Desert Ea 1954-1955.NY: Core Pilot Press, 1957.

1st Edition, Only printing. [xxiv]+265+[3]pp. 34 text illustrations. Printed gray cloth with blue lettering. Very scarce. Later issue without limitation number. Sold by Reich for $100 in 1957 in order to raise money for his legal “defense “. For more information about this book go here

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About the author

Dirk Marivoet psychotherapist in Belgium

Dirk Marivoet, MSc is European certified and accredited psychotherapist (ECP) with over 40 years of experience in the field of integrative and holistic therapy. He is also a licensed psychomotor therapist and physiotherapist (University of Louvain) and the founder and director of the International Institute for Bodymind Integration (IBI). As an international teacher, he contributes to several Body-Oriented Psychotherapy Schools and various other training programs worldwide.

Dirk is a certified Trainer and Supervisor in Postural Integration, Energetic Integration, Reichian Bodywork, and Pelvic-Heart Integration (Jack Painter, PhD) and a Core Energetics Teacher and Supervisor (John Pierrakos, MD). He also studied extensively with Al Pesso, integrating polyvagal and trauma-informed approaches into his work.

Building on decades of practice and teaching, Dirk developed his own comprehensive synthesis and method, Core Strokes, which he offers internationally through professional training programs, workshops, and individual sessions. He is also a public speaker on these and related topics and serves as chair of the Core Science Foundation.

He is based in Ghent, Belgium.

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