More information about the integrative methods

used and taught at the IBI

Postural Integration

Postural Integration

The Evolution of Postural Integration® (PI) Jack Painter’s Visionary Work in Postural Integration® (PI) Jack W. Painter, Founder of Postural Integration® Jack Painter, originally a philosophy professor at the University of Miami, was a true pioneer in the field of...

Core Energetics

Core Energetics

A Comprehensive Overview by Dirk Marivoet, MSc. Senior Teacher, Supervisor, and Expert in the Method What is Core Energetics? Core Energetics is a pioneering therapeutic approach that bridges body-centered psychotherapy with spirituality. It offers a transformative...

Pelvic-Heart Integration : Heart in Sexuality

Pelvic-Heart Integration : Heart in Sexuality

Uniting the masculine and feminine within the Self and your intimate relationships Origins of Pelvic-Heart Integration Jack W. Painter, PhD who originated the world famous modality of Deep Holistic Bodywork called Postural Integration® (PI) in the 1960s, also...

Psychomotor Therapy

Psychomotor Therapy

Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor, also known as psychomotor, psychomotor therapy, or PBSP, is a body-mind interactive model that analyzes the present-day effect of traumatic memories and helps people work to create new memories...

Energetic Integration

Energetic Integration

THE ENERGETIC INTEGRATION PROCESS - AN OVERVIEW OF PROCESS STEPS What is Energetic Integration? Energetic Integration® is a registered method that works with coordinating tissue, breath and feeling with special somatic strategies. Clients are helped to release their...

Somatic Psychotherapy

Somatic Psychotherapy

What is Somatic Psychotherapy? By Dirk Marivoet, MSc., Registered Psychotherapist (ECP), CCEP, PMT, PT. Body-centered or Somatic Psychotherapy (also "Body-oriented psychotherapy" or  “Body Psychotherapy”)  is a holistic form of psychotherapy which...

Bio-Energetics: Live in a lively body

Bio-Energetics: Live in a lively body

What is bio-energetic bodywork? Bio-energetic bodywork is a modern and practical application of the therapeutic insights of Wilhelm Reich (1898-1957) (student of S. Freud) and was further developed by psychiatrists Alexander Lowen and John Pierrakos. Dirk Marivoet (°...



What is Senso-Relaxation? Senso-Relaxation is a method to promote the recognition and regulation of physical tension. It can be used as an independent treatment method, but is also used in combination with other forms of therapy like the "Core Strokes Method". In this...

Personal Development

Personal Development

Growth and Development match our authentic nature Growth and development match our authentic nature. It is, as it were, written in our genes that we are able to long for pleasure, satisfaction, meaning and connection. After all, we have the ability to recognize,...



At the IBI you can contact Dirk Marivoet for supervision sessions. Dirk has been trained as a supervisor and offers his services for integrative and body-oriented psychotherapists, as well as people who guide or coach people with a body focus. Body-oriented...

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