“More than just a body-mind approach, this training workshop is an entrance to the journey of release and integration purification, growth and transformation”
This Core Strokes training-workshop can be taken for your personal development. It is also equivalent to module I of the complete Core Strokes training.
What is/are Core Strokes ?
The Core Strokes method was developed by Dirk Marivoet after 30 years of practice and teaching.
This psycho-corporal method combines the theoretical and practical influences and aspects of the following approaches into an effective and coherent method of personal growth, self-development and healing:
- Postural Integration, Energetic Integration and Pelvic-Heart Integration, three neo-reichian methods, developed by Jack W. Painter, PhD
- Core Energetics, a neo-reichian and spiritual method developed by John C. Pierrakos, MD
- Pesso-Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP), a different form of body psychotherapy developed by Albert Pesso and Diane Boyden-Pesso
- Other approaches and systems such as those of William Reich, Carl Jung, Alexander Lowen, Eric Berne…
Core Strokes is a powerful evolutionary and therapeutic approach that seeks the integration of all aspects of our humanity—the emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual.
In Core Strokes, ‘Core‘ stands for our ‘Center of Right Energy‘ ( which is not about morality – right vs. wrong, but about energy that is “direct”, like a permeable river, that does not change direction…) and ‘Strokes‘ for the units of recognition (which can be verbal or non-verbal) like the targeted hands-on manipulations, neuroaffective touches and caresses that help us to come out with a new part of ourselves, or an old part that has been hiding in the body as symptoms. The presence of the therapist should give the client the courage to begin revealing (and become conscious), what is coming to the surface from their inner depths (the Dynamic Ground, which is the seat of the deepest level of the unconscious, the inherited or collective unconscious), to purify and transform it.
- The originality and effectiveness of the Core Strokes method lies in its ability to integrate techniques of bodywork and verbal expression that will “touch” us deep within, in our tissues but also in our emotions, our wounds, our basic human needs, our soul.
- Core Strokes allows us to discover to what degree the “blows”, the “spikes” that we receive can hurt us, close us, and how much the “caresses”, the “strokes”, can bring us support, recognition, and allow us to open our heart, or “Core” (our “Center of Right Energy”).
- Core Strokes allows us to learn to express our needs and our emotions, to release our tensions, to let go, to listen and to perceive differently, to give and to receive. Trauma-based protection and defense mechanisms are effectively resolved and integrated, while developing a deep connection with your Authentic Self.
Objectives of the training-workshop Core Strokes
This training-workshop is the equivalent of Module I of the Core Strokes system.
This training-workshop is about “opening the bodymind”, releasing and integrating the body armor in the superficial layer of myofascia and posture. We work with a 9-step energetic breath cycle, which also demonstrates and transforms the different bioenergetic character styles. Indeed, during this journey, you will discover the many ways in which you prevent yourself from being fluid, resilient, well-aligned, satisfied, clear-minded, fully alive, happy and joyful. You will discover how your body and your emotions are important guides in finding your direction in life and inviting the desired change. In this module 1 (of 4) of the Core Strokes model we facilitate in a focused and structured way the desired change in both body and mind so that we can live with more pleasure than pain, have meaning over despair, have satisfaction versus frustration, and have more connections than being alienated.
The three phases of change in Core Strokes can be summarized as follows: Let be, Let go, Let in.
During the course:
- You will increase your understanding of how blocked energy affects you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. You will also get the proven science behind this
- You will experience powerful energetic, psychological and relational techniques to open the flow of your life force. Experience the release of blocked energy with neo-reichian tools. Basic nervous system physiology shows how release affects you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
- You will release old automatic psychological maps and create meaningful new maps in your body-mind. Recognise the signs of dysfunction.
- We unearth the innate power of healing by introducing “myofascial strokes” (developed over 50 years ago by Jack W. Painter, Ph.D.) which affect the psychosomatic unity of the being down to the deepest tissues of the body (the myofascias/connective tissue). The associated retention patterns and layers of protection (“armor”) in your body transform as you say “yes” to your deeper life stream and truth that reaches all levels of your personality. The transformation is permanent.
Participants testify that this work helps them experience more pleasure and satisfaction, real change and a sense of meaning and connection.
You will acquire several tools that are easily applicable in your daily life:
- A model of a “natural stepwise energy wave” (after Dr. Jack Painter). It helps to regulate energy levels in the system as well as to transform clearly defined blockages that crystallize in the personality and in the body (“character structures”).
- A map of consciousness and a map of personality. They bring an understanding of the defense mechanisms that cloud our core (“CORE”). You will be able to resolve conflicts and relationship issues with yourself and others.
- Practices to increase your body awareness and sensitivity, at your own pace.
- Gestalt exercises and role plays. For example, a dialogue with parts of the body or with important figures in our life (parents, etc.) can be held in order to highlight our “inner drama”.
- During this workshop and this training, others will be your mirrors, stimulating but also supporting what needs to be healed as much as what needs to be revealed.
On a personal level, this training-workshop will be an opportunity to overcome your wounds and learn to live differently, with an open, strong and available heart. Professionally, it will bring you a new and effective approach, posture and tools in your work with your clients.
This workshop is led by Dirk Marivoet, the founder of the Core Strokes method.
What about the facilitator?
Dirk Marivoet, MSc.
is founder and director of the IBI (The International Institute for Bodymind Integration). He is an accredited psychotherapist (ECP), a certified psychomotor therapist and physiotherapist in mental health (University of Louvain) and an internationally recognized trauma expert. He is also a Certified Trainer and Supervisor for Postural Integration, Energetic Integration, Reichian and Neo-Reichian Bodywork and Pelvic-Heart Integration (Jack Painter, PhD) and a Core Energetics Teacher and Supervisor (John Pierrakos, MD). After more than 35 years of clinical and teaching experience, both in the academic, alternative and complementary fields of psychotherapy, he created the Core Strokes approach, which he shares around the world. He lives in Ghent (Belgium).
This training module is held at the renowned “Le Hameau de l’Etoile” center in Languedoc, near Montpellier (30 minutes north). The center is known for the wild beauty of its 20 acres of land on the banks of the Lamalou river and its dominant position in the Séranne mountains. It is easily accessible.
Practical information
Dates and place :
Dates : From 1 april 2024 (16h) tot 7 april (16h) 2024
Venue : Residential in Domaine Le Hameau de l’Etoile
Route de Frouzet
Rates for accommodation and meals :
Board is 80 € per day per person
Participation costs:
- Early Bird – 880 € (before 1 February 2024)
- Tarif Normal – 930 € (after 1 February 2024)
Enjoy a 10% discount by signing up another person.
Write to Agnès, who is responsible for the organization : agnesdesnos@protonmail.com