Whether you are a therapist, physician, bodyworker, coach, spiritual seeker or someone wanting to become a bodymind integration practitioner/facilitator, this certifying training in Core Strokes ™  has been designed to allow you to increase your level of experience, skill and understanding of integrative and experiential bodymind work and body psychotherapy, for you and your clients. More than just a training, Core Strokes is a life transforming journey!

Made of 4 independent and certifying modules of 7 days of theory and practice, this training can be taken as a complement of your current modality or as a complete training in itself, leading to the Diploma of Practitioner in Core Strokes ™.

We provide training modules worldwide, e.g. in France (continent and Corsica), Belgium, South Africa, Mexico, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Spain…

Are you ready for an extraordinary and transformative journey?

A woman experiencing joy during a Core Strokes training session

Why suffering, grief and pain?

Our divine CORE or center is both literal and metaphorical, referring to a centre of the self and a centre of the body. As the center of the self, we see it as the “Center Of Right Energy”, which is the repository of wisdom, intuition, creativity, happiness, endless joy and the answer to all questions about our growth and developmentAt the level of the body, this space (Core space) is the area of the body where there is unimpeded pulsation, where i.e. the system is ‘unarmored’. It is from this core space that energy, then expands outward into the rest of the body and out into the world. This space is believed to be connected with the universal space and ocean of energy through the chakra system. These centers are generally understood to be connected to the endocrine system, the viscera, the autonomic nervous system, the nerve plexi of the guts…”open and complex systems”.

Living fully from our CORE (syn. Heart, Essence, the most important part) or Core Space is not always easy. Life is a journey indeed. Our genetic nature — which we can most fully satisfy in interactions with appropriate others, pushes us to: Satisfy our basic needs: Develop and mature; Assist integration and unification of polarities of being: Own and harmonize genetic, neurological, sensory-motor, behavioral and symbolic dialectics; Support expansion of consciousness – know the meaning of our lives; Enhance development of our “Pilot”: Coordinate what we feel, think, decide and act on; Validate and cultivate uniqueness and potentiality.

When life gets blocked (or obstructed, impeded, hindered, stopped, prevented, excluded, suppressed, rejected), energy flow (or efficiency, intensity, power, spirit, stamina, strengthvitality) and consciousness (or awareness, mindfulness, attention, cognizance, etc.) get compromised, we often get stuck in either chronic sympatheticotonus (preparedness for fight or flight by external stress), parasympathetic “dorsal vagal” responses (shut-down and immobility) and lose our capacity for “ventral vagal”, social engagement (engaging socially with others in a nuanced way).

These ‘Life Blocks’ or ‘Energy Blocks’  or “Consciousness Blocks” create a defensive armor with dysfunctional behavioral, psychological and emotional patterns that Wilhelm Reich named Character structures. Examples of this are e.g. submission and dependency as pseudo-solutions for Love (our should be natural habitat); aggression (our way to fight for survival of the self)  and control as distortions of Power; detachment and withdrawal as substitutes and caricatures for Serenity.

All those pseudo-solutions bring with them, soon or later, their share of griefs and pains, and also loneliness, emptiness, dissatisfaction, unease, alienation, negative cognitive belief structures and the projection of “vagal dilemmas” (General indicators of this are e.g. Lack of feeling of comfort in life. Lack of feeling of satisfaction in life. Limited self-comfort and self soothing capacity, Difficulty regulating arousal levels, Sympathetic nervous system dominance, etc.)

These pseudo-solutions and all the rest of it can be seen, understood and transformed with the help of Core Strokes™. The Strokes, being “units of recognition”. They can be verbal or non-verbal, hands-on or hands-off. Core, being the Center Of Right Energy.

Would you like to learn and experience concretely how to break free of these pains, griefs and “vagal dilemmas”?

In the Core Strokes training, addressing these questions and topics you will get acquainted with:

  • “Bodying” practices : We see the body as a sensorium, as the ultimate source of knowledge. Without it, no cognition, insight, recognition, introspection, awareness, consciousness is possible, as several philosophers (e.g., Merleau-Ponty, Schmitz and Apel) have convincingly demonstrated.The use of touch we see as a vital bridge to body-mind integration.
  • Shape/Countershape. This is about work with our innate push to bring things to completion and create wholeness. We work with the interactional response to those expressions which provide: Satisfaction of Basic Needs, Acceptance of Emotions, Validation of Power/Activity and Receptivity/Reactivity
  • A map of personality and a map of consciousness (coming from the Pathwork of Self Transformation and Core Energetics) and maps of a natural breath cycle (Jack W. Painter, Ph.D.) based on key elements of attachment and developmental theory, affective and interpersonal neurobiology, psychodynamic psychotherapy and bodymind integration including character analysis and deep bodywork
  • An “Economy of Strokes” & a Stroking Profile (inspired by Transactional Analysis of Dr. Eric Berne) – Positive, Negative, Conditional, Unconditional, Verbal, Non-verbal, Internal-External, for Being, Doing or Having.
  • The theory and practice of a “somatic & formative psychology platform” for working with the body-mind-spirit including: a) fascia-focused movement and structural bodywork that support clients as they pursue their psychological goals; b) a perspective of body armor as the tissue-based manifestation of adaptive behaviors (i.e., personality defenses), and the exploration of it through the lens of fascial restrictions and atrophy; c) tensegrity as ‘life’s primary organizing tool’ and a ‘universal set of building rules’ that seem to guide the design of organic structures; d) The practice of “myofascial strokes” and Postural Integration® techniques for “natural types” or styles of character (as opposed to pathological types).
  • Theory and practice of energy and consciousness (that which I am aware that I am aware of): examine the client’s present consciousness, as a reflection of what has happened in the past (memories), and to determine what history they experienced that did not fulfill the genetic expectations (the attempts to attend to the fulfillment of the spiritual or cosmological element of aiding the fulfillment of all that is, and all that we see and experience) in order to “move energy”, make choices, assess reality and carry out decisions (Developing the “Ego-Pilot”).
  • How to use body awareness, energy and breath work (based on the map of natural energy flow consisting of nine stages and its blockages from Dr. Jack Painter), therapeutic touch (several sources), connection (ibid) and contact as stimulation and feedback systems: mirroring, neurostimulation and modulation, can help a lively pulsation to arise in the tissues of the body as well as the whole personality. A good presence in the body through interoception, proprioception, exteroception, emotion and conceptualization is necessary to foster a realistic image of what is.
  • To develop a Gestalt-type “here and now” approach as well as working with “Gestalt Dialogues” (Dialogue is based on experiencing the other person as he or she really is and showing the true self, sharing phenomenological awareness), imagined “playing out”, mirroring through ideal figures, helping the drama playing in the interior to become outwardly visible and innerly conscious with triangle and constellation work.
  • How to identify our emotional substructures : what drives us forward (Latin ‘e-movere’), to make contact and create meaning. How to find the genetic potential back to pleasure: the ultimate reality and the state of bliss is nothing but the natural state of a unified being in harmony with itself and the universe.
  • How to heal trauma-created survival stress and subsequent protection and defence mechanisms in the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
  • How to regulate the nervous system, improving its condition by moving from a dorsal vagal activation (neuroception of threat and danger) towards a ventral vagal condition with a neuroception of safety. How to identify the origins of energy blocks and how to release them on physical, energetic, and emotional levels through hands-on-bodywork as well as with hands-off verbal guidance and create new symbolic representations (antidotes). How to increase the capacity for self-regulation (rather than neediness or dependency) and full self-expression…

Why Core strokes™?

Core Strokes has been developed by Dirk Marivoet after 35 years of practice and teaching in the fields of body psychotherapy, integrative experiential & myofascial bodywork, psychomotor therapy and Core Energetics. The method combines theoretical and practical aspects of (amongst other influences): Core Energetics® (developed by John C. Pierrakos, MD), Bodymind Integration such as Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration® and Pelvic-Heart Integration® (all developed by Jack W. Painter, PhD) and Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (developed by Albert Pesso and Diane Boyden-Pesso).

Core Strokes touches upon the evolutionary process of the living Soul by unlocking the hidden potentials of the bodymind. It works with the integration of body, emotions, mind, will and the spiritual dimension as a whole. It offers tools for making a profound and authentic contact with the Self in order to restore and promote energy balance and equilibrium in the personality.

This unified method is supported by the latest information on both the psychological, physical, ecological and spiritual evolution of human beings. It facilitates the clients’ need for fulfillment of long standing deficits in psychological and personality development. Bodymind information and experiences are utilized applying well-defined principles and techniques which are offered to clients in a way that empowers them to stay in charge of their own therapeutic process.

In a Core Strokes training, one help each other to release the holding patterns

How does this Method work?

Core Strokes sessions help a person to become aware and conscious in order to be able to let go of outdated survival patterns in the form of “myofascial and muscular armoring”, which is a part of our emotional defense system and create more consciousness and free flow of energy.

Muscular and myofascial armoring can be palpated as soft tissue hypertension or hypotension or can also be observed as impairment in movement, emotional rigidity, poor or difficult contact with others, and problems with “aliveness”.

Seen it is a chronic, unconscious, involuntary pattern of muscular and myofascial constriction, IT CAN NOT BE LET GO THROUGH THE WILL.

In Core Strokes sessions one helps the other to let go of the chronic defense patterns by relating. The person is invited in the safe container of the session, to come out with a new part of themselves, or an old part of themselves that has been hiding in their body as symptoms.

Core Strokes uses the meta-view of a map of consciousness and a map of personality as an orientation for assessing the direction and depth of the transformational work of the Self.

In the case of a one on one session, the presence of the therapist gives the client the courage to begin revealing, become conscious, purify and transform all that is coming to the surface from the inner depths.

What should you expect in this training?

This training has been designed to allow you to understand how “blocked energy” affects us emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. During a module, we alternate theory and practice, we work alone, in pairs or in small groups.

During the training, you will:

  • acquire thorough knowledge of anatomy, neuroscience, energy physiology, hands-on bodywork, body reading, diverse communication tools, psychological methods and spiritual understanding.
  • receive a full series of individual comprehensive paradigm sessions and learn to give these to others.
  • receive support in the process of establishing your own practice or center.

In Core Strokes™ classes, we always draw on the wisdom in the room. We address Reason, Will, and Emotion as distinct aspects of learning. Learning in itself is seen as a whole-body experience.

In Core Strokes™ training, you will be guided to develop :

  • unconditional positive regard,
  • empathy,
  • congruence,
  • authenticity,
  • caring for the self and for the other.

A practice-oriented training

Demonstrations of myofascial experiential bodymind work will support your understanding of theoretical sharing and lectures. You will master new interventions and exercises on an experiential and a technical level. You will enlarge your experience as a therapist by practical training in duos, trios and subgroups of colleagues. Video feedback, supervision by the trainers, case-discussions and homework in peer-supervision groups are elements for evaluating your learning process.

Each module of 7 days are made of:

  • Bodywork, Exercises, Role Playing, Gestalt,
  • Process Work (individual session in the group),
  • Paradigm sessions,
  • Peer-supervision-meetings,
  • Leading exercise groups,
  • Studying literature,
  • Evaluation.

Who is this Core Strokes training for?

This Core Strokes training has been created to be of relevance to a wide range of professionals. The training modules can be taken as a complement of an existing practice or as a complete training in itself. This training is also destined to people interested in serious personal/spiritual development. Here are examples of how this training can be relevant for you.

Psychotherapist/Mental Health Professional/Physician

If you work with clients or patients in a 1:1 therapeutic context, you will likely find that at times body oriented interventions will appear beneficial at some stage. Core Strokes aims to provide clients with an arena to:

  • Become deeply embodied through contacting, presencing, energetic, touch (possibly myofascial) and other types of body work.

  • Gain clarity about confused and distorted present day relationships due to unmet needs of the past.

  • Help unprocessed (symptom-making) emotions to become clearly and satisfying expressed/processed in the whole body.
  • Monitor affectively and cognitively all sorts of body sensations, emotional states, abreactive states, defense mechanisms, values, attitudes, thoughts, memories.
  • Attend to unmet needs of the past symbolically with appropriately named role-playing figures while emotionally and cognitively in touch with earlier levels of consciousness.

The Core Strokes Training gives you a deep immersion, through your own lived experiences, of the various dimensions that this topic can traverse. The training will leave you with a grounded confidence to hold space for explorations on this theme and to guide clients/patients competently in your sessions/consultation space.

Coach, teacher, facilitator

Whether you work with children, teenagers or adults, themes around embodiment, the meaning of life, intimacy and sexuality are likely to come up in your practice or your classroom. In a world so devoid of embodied guidance, wisdom and tolerance, it behooves our educators and coaches to be able to hold the space for this necessary exploration.

Business coaches find that the lives of their clients are impacted by problems with intimacy, appropriate distance, boundaries, dissatisfaction, frustration and so on and so forth. Teachers are working with young people who are eager to explore all dimensions of their development.

Self and other regulation and stages of need satisfaction like place, nurturance, support, protection and limits can be appropriately dealt with after this training. Here’s an opportunity to equip yourself in a very fundamental way for the task by learning when and how to appropriately satisfy, validate, respect and confirm needs in appropriate context.

Tantra practitioner/Spiritual Searcher

If you have a spiritual practice and desire to move into greater depth in your capacity to hold the rich complexity of what gets touched for people when their resistances, immaturities and defense mechanisms below the social mask layer of the theme of “love, eros and sexuality” or (here’s an important one:) “spiritual by-passing” comes up, then this training is helpful for you.

Many Western spiritual practitioners come to a stage of realizing that there is much more to the mystical dimensions of spirituality than what they have access to. The Core Strokes Training offers you months of learning and transmission in this field.

Bodyworker/Physiotherapist/Osteopath/Chiropractor/Massage Therapist/Somatics Practitioner

When working directly on the body, or with subtle dimensions of the body, we are also tapping into all the intelligence of the client’s relational, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Simply through your own deeper embodiment, you will be able to transmit ease, openness and understanding to your clients/patients.

Learning therapeutic bodywork, both directly on the body or with more subtle and energetic dimensions in the framework of an understanding of character analysis (in our understanding) and the evolutionary process of the individual and mankind, you will help the client to connect more deeply with his/her essence, true nature and direction and purpose in life.

Experiential and Existential Bodywork often brings up traumatic memories in the client/patient. A practitioner who does not shy away in horror when feelings become intense, but is able to stay present and to ground both the client and himself with awareness of boundaries (not crossing any) is a better practitioner for the client.

Relationship/Constellation therapist/Facilitator

As a relationship therapist, you’re bound to meet the challenges in people’s intimate relating including the dimensions of “love, eros, relating and sexuality” – and you will have realized by now that this is a very delicate terrain to be traversed with care and skill.

Imagine the increase in your capacity to hold space for couples and other relationships if you acquire the skill to help people sink deeper in themselves (supposedly their body) and their truths and become confident in more dimensions of relating yourself.

Pregnancy/fertility coach/doula

Those who work with couples as they traverse the challenges around fertility and pregnancy know that the couple’s dynamics around intimacy and sexuality is a tender and challenging growth point at this time.

Through your own inner work in exploring your own needs and through the knowledge you will gain on this training, you will find a new ease in supporting couples to turn this time into a growth-filled and exciting exploration. You will also know more about releasing and integrating the pelvic area.

Who is the trainer?

Portrait of Dirk Marivoet integrative psychotherapist

Dirk Marivoet, MSc.

is founder and director of the IBI (The International Institute for Bodymind Integration). He is a registered psychotherapist (ECP), a certified psychomotor therapist and physiotherapist in mental health (University of Louvain) and an internationally recognized trauma expert. He is also a Certified Trainer and Supervisor for Postural Integration, Energetic Integration, Reichian Bodywork and Pelvic-Heart Integration (Jack Painter, PhD), a Core Energetics Senior Trainer and Supervisor (John Pierrakos, MD) and the chair of the Core Science Foundation (CSF). After more than 35 years of clinical and teaching experience, both in the academic, alternative and complementary fields of psychotherapy, he created the Core Strokes approach, which he shares around the world. He lives in Ghent (Belgium).

The common thread through the week was a sense of allowing ourselves increasingly to be our fullest self, and to let the body (our own body) show us where current or past experiences are holding us back. It was deeply moving to see others (and myself too) tackle particularly painful holding patterns, and to see the joy, the lightness of being, the fresh energy that came available upon re-emerging from the intensive work. Marcel van Rootselaar, New York

My deepest gratitude to Dirk as my trainer, supervisor, therapist for continuing inspiration, support, wisdom and heartfelt qualities. He really «walks what he talks». A wonderful human heart which can make space for everything.
Alaya Tessa, Italy

Core Strokes: A beautiful modality that integrates various practices based on many years of experience in the bodymind integration space. It truly offers a practice which is inspiring and precious as a gift to humanity and will surely support many people into the praxis of being “the blossoming of their best selves”. Llewellyn Diedericks, South Africa

As my teacher, I have felt safe with him, heard, seen and understood, and aren’t these the most needed qualities of a great teacher?
Paula Moreau-Smith, Body psychotherapist, England

Dirk has deep knowledge, creativity, wisdom and his tremendous skills working with the body and the consciousness. He is a great therapist and an explorer of the human nature!
Ivan Sebastiani, Director of the Italian Institute of Core Energetics

Keep on teaching, you are doing an amazing work towards saving the world…..With this unique understanding, and experience of Core Strokes and Body Mind Integration, Dirk answered a lot of my questions that I had, because of my South African conservative background. He guided me gently, step by step to understand, how my body needs Integration and healing, which is the ultimate fufillment that my vessel is actually created for. I am sure you will become a flagship for future generations. Blessings, and thank you Dirk Marivoet.
Connie Vanonselen, South Africa

The atmosphere is warm and joyful in a professional and safe environment. I appreciated the scientific aspect of Dirk’s approach, his great knowledge of mind-body techniques, as well as his relationship to knowledge, which he knows how to share in a real relationship of exchange. Dr. Bertrand Benoit, Switzerland

Core Strokes I was a refreshingly new but powerful experience for me. I got much more out of it than I ever expected. I, myself, went through some deep experiences and also witnessed powerful changes in others. Dirk is a very wise, trusting, teacher, who is able to relate years of body/mind experience in a way that we, as newcomers, could grasp and practice ourselves. I am very glad that I was able to join this training and am excited about attending more training in the future. Sara Devos, South Africa

Curriculum of the Core Strokes™ training

The aim of this training, consisting of 4 modules of 7 days, is to become skilled in Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Core Strokes™/Myofascial Experiential Release & Integration + the repetition of these (certificates issued by IBI). An additional 200h of internship in Core Strokes™ leads to the full practitioner diploma.

Each module will support your own personal growth, as well as your competence to coach and help others in their own transformation process on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. The full program will help you to transform your life and help you to coach others competently in their transformation process.

After graduation you will be part of an International community of practitioners in Bodymind Integration methods. 

CORE STROKES™ / Releasing Trauma with Deep Fascia work and Bodymind Integration - MODULE 1

­  “Open your body and mind to enter the journey of purification, growth and transformation of your soul”

> Work on the surface layer of the fasciae


Program :

  • Bodywork on the fascia: learning manual techniques of Core Strokes to unblock the surface layer of the myofascial network over the entire body (opening of the upper and lower parts),
  • Study of the different types of bioenergetic characters linked to these areas,
  • Understanding and transformation of hyper / hypo tense or thickened muscular and myofascial armor,
  • Work on the movement of energy in the body to move towards more fluidity,
  • Discovery of the principle of “tensegrity”,
  • Study of body anatomy from the point of view of tensegrity,
  • Reading the body: learning to read information at the postural, energetic, character and myofascial level,
  • Personality map (based on the Core Energetics model): learn to highlight and penetrate the “mask” worn by the person, in relation to his myofascial tension patterns,
  • Energy physiology level 1: study and practice of “charge” and “discharge” techniques to facilitate psycho-corporal work. Discovery of stages 1 to 4 of Dr. Jack Painter’s “natural energetic cycle” and their blockages,
  • Practices of techniques resulting from various psycho-corporal approaches: Gestalt, bioenergy, psychomotor …
  • Awareness of one’s posture in interaction with others, space and objects,
  • Practice of precise acupressure points to stimulate, calm and balance the system,
  • Work on the chakras at the mental, emotional and will level,
  • Learning various verbal and non-verbal communication tools,
  • Learning relevant psychological methods,
  • Guided individual and group therapeutic processes,
  • Demonstration of Core Strokes sessions by the trainer,
  • Time for questions and answers on modes of intervention,
  • Practice in pairs of learned techniques (under supervision),
  • Analysis of experiences during and after practice,
  • Analysis of the effects of the methods and techniques seen in module 1 and their limitations.

Theoretical lessons:

  • Introduction of the terms “Core” and “Strokes”,
  • The principle of “units of recognition” in Core Strokes: the profile (conditional vs unconditional, positive vs negative, verbal vs non-verbal, being vs doing) and the economy of “Strokes” (how much, where and when to give or receive ),
  • Insights in the soul’s deep aspirations and desires for love, meaning, happiness and purpose,
  • A Map of Personality: body, feelings and emotions, thoughts, beliefs, mental images, will, spirituality,
  • A Map of consciousness: “Mask”, “Lower self”, “Higher self”,
  • A Triphasic view of human existence: “pre-egoic stage”, “egoic stage” and “trans-egoic stage” in which human development can / must be achieved and sustained,
  • The ego and the development of oneself – “Dynamic Ground” / Energy / Action / Interaction / Meaning,
  • Character structures and styles,
  • Body types,
  • Deficits in basic needs and method of “corrective experiences” by the incarnation of “ideal” figures by a third person or symbolic object,
  • Neuroscience of social development: neuroaffective systems, social engagement system, stress response system, self-defense system, emotional regulation system …
  • Approach to developmental trauma, shock, personal or collective,
  • Theatrical “stages” and “screens” in the human psyche,
  • The therapist / client relationship.

Out of class work

  • Individual therapy sessions in Core Strokes or Postural Integration with a certified practitioner (min. 6 hours),
  • Working group: regular meetings to discuss and practice on the subjects studied during the training with other students,
  • Study of recommended resource books,
  • Personal reflection and evaluation.

Thanks to this module:

  • I am learning to transform my old patterns into new, more functional ones.
  • I embody more my body and become more aware of who I am.

CORE STROKES™ / Releasing Trauma with Deep Fascia work and Bodymind Integration - MODULE 2

 “Strengthen your confidence, being aligned and grounded, showing up”

> Work on the middle layer of the fascia

100 hours

Program :

  • Bodywork on the fascia: learning manual techniques of Core Strokes to unblock the middle layer of the myofascial network,
  • Work on parts of the body: lateral line, shoulders, neck, pelvis,
  • The embodied personality: “Mask”, “Lower Self” and “Higher Self”,
  • Deep holistic bodywork techniques: myofascial strokes for release and integration, meridians and points work, movement awareness, chakra work, zone / segment armor work,
  • Learn to “read” the body in an interactive and phenomenological way,
  • Learn to work with trauma through “embodied deep listening” and deep body work,
  • Deepening of the techniques discussed in module 1,
  • Guided individual and group therapeutic processes,
  • Demonstration of Core Strokes sessions by the trainer,
  • Time for questions and answers on modes of intervention,
  • Practice of techniques learned in pairs under supervision,
  • Analysis of experiences during and after practice,
  • Analysis of the effects of the methods and techniques seen in module 2 and their limitations.

Theoretical lessons:

  • Pseudo-solutions: dynamics of submission / dependence, aggression / control, detachment / withdrawal and its effects in the body at the level of structure and posture,
  • Functional study of areas and parts of the body from a holistic point of view,
  • Basic needs, deficits and reversals (level 2),
  • Neurophysiology: how to create new memories as complements to old patterns, the neuroscience of deep bodywork and bodypsychotherapy,
  • Deepening of the theoretical lessons discussed in module 1.

Out of class work:

  • Individual therapy sessions in Core Strokes or Postural Integration with a certified practitioner (min. 6 hours),
  • Working group: regular meetings to discuss and practice on the subjects studied during the training with other students,
  • Study of recommended resource literature,
  • Personal reflection and evaluation.

Thanks to this module:

  • I invite and welcome new and transformative emotional experiences into my life.
  • I learn how to heal trauma in the body.
    • In my relationship with the other, I am more connected to my inner resources.

    CORE STROKES™ / Releasing Trauma with Deep Fascia work and Bodymind Integration - MODULE 3

     “Foster heart / pelvis unity and harmony and unify Love, Eros and Sexuality”

    > Work on the deep layer of fasciae


    Program :

    • Bodywork at the level of the fascia: learning new manual techniques of Core Strokes to unlock the deep layer of the myofascial network
    • Work on parts of the body: lower, upper and posterior pelvis,
    • Work at the level of the personality: focus on the “Core”, transformation of the “Lower Self”, rooting in the “Higher Self”,
    • Heart / pelvis reconnection,
    • Energy physiology level 3: techniques of “charge” and “discharge” and study of stages 5 to 9 of the energy cycle (Model of Dr. Jack Painter),
    • Tracking of affective expressions, physical states, verbal statements, fundamental belief systems and internalized prohibitions and commands,
    • Review of the techniques discussed in Modules 1 and 2,
    • Introduction of techniques and strategies for in-depth work,
    • Guided individual and group therapeutic processes,
    • Demonstration of Core Strokes sessions by the trainer,
    • Time for questions and answers on modes of intervention,
    • Practice of techniques learned in pairs under supervision,
    • Analysis of experiences during and after practice,
    • Analysis of the effects of the methods and techniques seen in module 3 and their limitations.

    Theoretical lessons:

    • Love, Eros and Sexuality: behind the masks of love, power and wisdom, the art of true connection, relationship, trust and surrender,
    • Oedipal triangles,
    • Deepening of the theoretical lessons discussed in modules 1 and 2.

    Out of class work:

    • Individual therapy sessions in Core Strokes or Postural Integration with a certified practitioner (min. 6 hours),
    • Working group: regular meetings to discuss and practice on the subjects studied during the training with other students,
    • Study of recommended resource books,
    • Personal reflection and evaluation.

    Thanks to this module:

    • I discover myself more in my depth,
    • I integrate new sensorimotor, kinesthetic and audio-visual memories alongside older memories,
    • I find more clarity in my personal path,
    • In this way I learn to generate realistic, optimistic and satisfying perspectives on myself and on others.

    CORE STROKES™ / Releasing Trauma with Deep Fascia work and Bodymind Integration - MODULE 4

     « Integrate Body-mind-spirit, savour the fruits and rewards of living and discover your life mission »

    > Integration and balancing of the 3 layers of fascia

    100 hours


    • Bodywork on the fascia: learning Core Strokes manual techniques to integrate the 3 layers of the myofascial network,
    • Body-mind-spirit integration,
    • Work on body parts and dimensions: top-bottom, left-right, back-front, inside-outside,
    • Energy physiology level 4: “charge” and “discharge” techniques and development of phases 1 to 9 of the energy cycle and their blockages (Dr. Jack Painter’s model),
    • Transcending trauma, moving on
    • Deepening and diversification of the techniques discussed in the previous modules,
    • Guided individual and group therapeutic processes,
    • Demonstration of Core Strokes sessions by the trainer,
    • Time for questions and answers about intervention methods,
    • Practicing techniques that are learned in pairs under supervision,
    • Analysis of experiences during and after training,
    • Analysis of the effects of the methods and techniques in module 4 and their limitations.

    Work outside of the classroom:

    • Individual therapy sessions in Core Strokes or Postural Integration with a certified practitioner (min.6 hours),
    • Gatherings: regular meetings to discuss and practice the topics studied during the training with other students,
    • Study of recommended source literature,
    • Personal reflection and evaluation.

    Thanks to this module:

    • I enjoy the benefits of this integration and realize that I was made to be able to be happy, caring, resilient and in a state of fully embodied health,
    • I realize that my body is the temple of my spirit, that the world is my “home,” and that there is a place for all of my relationships.

    What does it cost?

    930€/module (prices are subject to change)

    When enrolling for the 4 modules at once (in one location) : 880€/module

    Price is for Europeans and Northern Americans. Prices may differ for other continents. Please, contact us for further information.

    The price includes the training-module and a manual.
    It does not include travel expenses, accommodation and food.

    Upcoming modules dates and places

    Are you interested but would like to know more about Core Strokes before Enrolling?

    In order to allow you to have a first experience with Core Strokes and what it could offer to you, you can join one of our 2 or 3 days introductory workshops in Belgium, France, Italy, Corsica, Netherlands, UK, USA, South Africa, Australia or elsewhere.

    No upcoming introductory workshop for the moment.
    Please contact us to express your interest in participating in an introductory workshop.


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