Enlaces útiles
A continuación se muestra una lista de enlaces útiles relacionados con Psicoterapia corporal, Integración Bodymind, Core-Energetics, Postural Integration, Energetic Integration, Pélvico-Heart Integration, entre otros. en todo el mundo.
En el mundo
- United States Association for Body Psychotherapy: www.usabp.org
- European Association of Body Psychotherapists: www.EABP.org
- European Association for Psychotherapy: www.europsyche.org
- World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counselling : pce.world.com
- International Association of Core Energetics: www.iace.info
- The Core Science Foundation: https://coresciencefoundation.com/
- The Lowen Foundation: https://www.lowenfoundation.org/
- The Wilhelm Reich Museum: https://wilhelmreichmuseum.org/
En África
Sudáfrica : Bodymind Integration South Africa – posturalintegration.co.za
- Israel: www.en.beyondwords.org.il
- International Pathwork Foundation: pathwork.org
- Core Energetics Institute in New York: www.coreenergetics.org
- Bodymind Integration USA-California Institute for Postural Integration
- Radical Aliveness / Core Energetics Institute of Southern California: radicalaliveness.org
- Exceptional Marriage: exceptionalmarriage.com
En Europe
- Bodymind Integration Austria : www.bodymindintegration.at
- https://www.usoffiu.com/ – Des formations pour vous accompagner dans votre développement personnel
- Stages de développement personnel dans le sud de la France. https://skydancers-association.org/
- Institut de Formation en Communication et Thérapie Psycho-Corporelle (IFCC) : www.ifcc-psychotherapie.fr
- EATPR : www.aetpr-psychotherapie.org
Países Bajos:
- Netherlands Institue for Core-Energetics: coreenergetica.nl
Italia :
- Bodymind Integration Italy – Associazione di Integrazione Posturale Transpersonale: integrazioneposturale.it
- Core Energetics Italy: www.core-energetica.it
Gran Bretaña:
- Core Energetics London: core-london.co.uk
- Core Energetics: www.coreenergeticsgreece.org
- Dr. Med. Klaus Stinshoff: www.kpt-mitte.de
- Core Energetics Berlin: www.core-energetics.de
- Core Energetics Poland: www.coreenergetics.polska.com